? ??????????????Splatter Pattern? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.5 (24 Ratings)??8703 Grabs Today. 31818 Total Grab
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Saturday, November 27, 2010

Sitting in a Parking Lot

I am internetless and cableless (is that a word?) until next Wednesday. And between then and now I have a lot of work I need to do on the internet. And the library on campus is closed SO...I'm sitting in an empty parking lot checking my bank account, playing on facebook, and turning in assignments. You have to love the last few days before exams start. I'm about to go pick up my Christmas tree from the old house in Starkville and buy some lights from Lowes or Walmart. I'm really lazy and don't want to go into a big store, but what is a Christmas tree without lights?

So I moved into my apartment. My brother, Kayla, and Patrick helped transport my clothes up the two stories, and my parents and cousin, Brock, helped with the furniture. And...the parents bought me food, that's always a plus. I'm trying to get the internet hooked up, but since I have no kind of technology, it's just me, my computer, and redbox movies until it happens. Oh and books. I like books. My apartment is amazing and I love it, even if it is empty of any furniture besides a table and bed. Thats all you really need right? It's amazing how much difference not having a couch makes. Its so empty. But soon, it will have a Christmas tree!

So let's talk about buying Christmas presents. I thought I was home-free in September when I decided to get Alex one of the super cool RC helicopter. It was pretty expensive, but worth it. Well, I got nervous that he would get mad over the price and mentioned it to him. When he didn't sound excited in the least, I decided not to get that for him. I was only spending money if he could be happy over it. So then I found some amazing gloves that sounded awesome in the description. I got Trey, my daddy, Debbie (Alex's Dad's girlfriend), and Mr. Lemoine (former Ag teacher, who is an avid duck hunter) to check them out and they all said they were amazing. But, alas, Alex told me he didn't wear gloves when he went duck hunting because they either a) made his hands sweat and the sweat turn to ice or b)weren't really waterproof. SO I finally found something that he will like (I hope) and I'm not bringing it up directly or indirectly in any conversation for fear of being shot down. I just can't take it anymoreeeeee.


Bye world. I'm going back to the stone age.