? ??????????????Splatter Pattern? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.5 (24 Ratings)??8703 Grabs Today. 31818 Total Grab
s. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????????????????????????????????Light Show? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.6 (51 Ratings)??7813 Grabs Today. 53573 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??G BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Friday, November 19, 2010

Death Week

      This week has been called "Death Week" for a good reason. It was almost the death of me! It started last Saturday when I wrote all those papers and assignemnts, and it ends today, as soon as I get off work. I've lost my temper, cried, felt sick, been sick,blown up,hid away, and felt delirious all in the past seven days. I kind of feel sorry for Alex and my family and friends. Being around had to suck this week.
    Alas, it is all over and done with and a new weekend is about to start. I get off work at 2 today, get my electricity stuff worked out with Meagan, go home, take a nap, and then get to go see my wonderful, understanding boyfriend...who is probably going to pick a fight with me, because for some unknown reason, he likes to make me mad. Guys---who gets them?

    Last night, Kayla and I went to the Harry Potter 7: Part I premier. I was chilling at her apartment, playing with the webcam, making goofy rap videos, talking about the wedding (since talking about when the engagement is going happen is like walking in a minefield, we talk positive about the wedding. Save the Date, 12.17.10....jk....sorta). We get to the theater around 10:15, thinking that the lobby is probably about 75% full....but that was not to be so. No, the doors were locked, and the line extended down the sidewalk from the box office to the back of the parking lot. And it was cold. We sat in the car for a few moments and finally got out and took our place among the excited (sometimes, too much so) fans. Here are some of the things we saw:

  • A crazy girl in nike shorts and a red shirt on a "quidditch broom" zooming around the marking lot, more like galloping like a horse.
  • A crazy guy yelling at his girlfriend to hold his wand.
  • Several other wands.
  • Some kids in full-out Gryffindor costumes.
Needless to say, very entertaining. The movie was great; I thought they ended it in a very appropriate place. However, we didn't get back to the apartment and in bed until around 3. So, I'm running off of four hours of sleep and am in desperate need of a nap.

      So, I am going to get back to work and count down until I am able to bust out of this joint and go find a cushy bed or couch or piece of grass. Anything will do at this point of my Harry Potter induced exhaustion. I just have to up and ready to see Alex and do whatever it is we're doing. I think he said we're going to Old Mexico in Philadelphia. OR watching Hannah Montana: The Movie. Either way, I need my wits about me. So dear readers, two of you I believe, I hope you have a safe weekend and all that jazz.

1 day until Gun Season Opens
5 days until MOVE IN
6 days until THANKSGIVING
13 days until Finals
20 day until Colorado with Tiffanie

Chelsea Leann

GO STATE. Remembering Nick Bell. BEAT THOSE HOGS.