? ??????????????Splatter Pattern? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.5 (24 Ratings)??8703 Grabs Today. 31818 Total Grab
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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Who wants to bring me lunch?

It's Wednesday afternoon, we're halfway through the week, and it looks like it is about to snow outside....only, we all know it isn't. You have to love Mississippi though, right? I'm working through lunch, as usual, but am quite hungry. I'm tempted to call good ole Daddy and ask him to bring me something....but fast food just isn't what I crave today. You know I crave? A hug from my boyfriend. It's ridiculous how someone who can make me so mad can also be the key to making my day a brighter, fuller one.

Yesterday, Nick Bell passed away. He had cancer, and he took a turn for the worse. He was my age. I think this is a reminder to everyone that life is short and you never know---so live it while you can. We all rang our cowbells at 7:36 last night on campus and around Starkville. 36 rings for number 36, 7 o clock for 7 wins. God bless that Bulldawg.

I sign my lease tomorrow. I'm so nervous, it's ridiculous. Momma's coming up to Starkville as soon as school lets out. We get to look over the apartment again, and I pray she doesn't find anything at fault. Anyway, it is time for me to get back to work.

Oh, and I adore my boyfriend. Just saying.

Chelsea Leann