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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Why can't people stick to their schedule?

So, why can't people stay on schedule? A teacher assigns work, I do it, and then she pushes back the due date. Well that's all good and dandy for the people who haven't started on it yet, but what does that encourage ME to do? Be a slacker? Be a procrastinater? Even though that I only have about three classes left in this one class, it still makes me MAD. In fact, I'm sitting in the class right now. How perfect is it that I'm writing this blog now.

Thursday I am going to see the Harry Potter 7 premier. I'm pretty pumped. This will make our fourth or fifth movie premier together....not just Harry Potter....in fact, mostly Twilight. I feel like such a nerd.

So I've got a huge ulcer, and have been slightly ill for the past weekend because I was trying to get it done, only to have most of it pushed back until after Thanksgiving. And YES thats a great thing....but all that stress for nothing. CRAP!

Chelsea Leann!