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Thursday, November 4, 2010

Facebook Rage

Let me rage. Not about the 12 year olds who came to be in love, or about the guys who post pictures of their abs. Or the girls who talk about Justin Beiber. Those can be addressed later. This goes out to all the liars on facebook who think they're doing such a great job of hiding their true selves from the world.

Number one: If you're married, say it. If you're engaged, say it. If you're not, cut the crap. However, figure it out and stop bullcrapping. You can't defriend and delete your husband or wives facebook account every time you two get in an argument. If you're old enough to be married (which most of you aren't), then you should be old enough not to change your relationship status every five days. We are not in junior high anymore, although some of us might have been engaged or promised at that point. Drama.

Number two: Speaking of drama. Don't air it out on facebook. I know theres the whole "If you dont like it, don't read it" deal, but if I defriended you, you'd eventually be like, "Why'd you defriend me?" and start talking about be behind my back. I don't know how else NOT to read your stupid posts about how great your life is or how hurt your heart is, when I know it's all your fault. Call me cruel, but you dug your hole and we don't feel like reading all about the woes of your life.

Number three: Boyfriends should write on their girlfriends walls. Even if they're talking to them ALL the time, facebook is for letting the world know your life (except for that above). And maybe I...I mean girlfriends...would like the world to know their boyfriend misses them or thinks they're great or had a great time. It's silly, but it's special silly. Just do it! Girlfriends should not, however, impersonate their boyfriends (or wives their husbands) and write "Hey baby, I miss you soooo much." We know it's you, idiot. Boys don't use multiple Os. They aren't that mushy either. And if they are, once a day is enough. Get your man under control or on a leash.

Number four: Don't stalk your exes. That's just creepy. Especially if you're married or in a relationship. It's called move on....I mean, a week or so after you break up is ok. Maybe once or twice a year just to see what's up and to make yourself feel better. But constantly keeping track, going to lengths like hacking other people's facebooks just to do it....come on, psycho queens and kings.

I think I've ranted enough. Call me the facebook police, I don't care. Defriend if you'd like, because that saves me the trouble. I can't get rid of facebook, because that would cause drama. Can't live with it, can't live without it. That's why I have it on my computer at home, at work, and on my phone in two different applications. We love the drama, but I really am beginning to dislike the folks that have a constant supply of it. Oh and DRAMA does not follow you. You create it, nitwit.

Oh, I do feel better. Much love!

Chelsea Leann

Oh...and Justin Beiber sings well....for a 12 year old girl. HA! I said it. Bring it on, munchkins.