? ??????????????Splatter Pattern? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.5 (24 Ratings)??8703 Grabs Today. 31818 Total Grab
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Friday, November 12, 2010

A week of planning

This has been a hectic week, but I have gotten a lot done. However, there is still so much to do, I feel slightly sick every time I walk into a classroom. Teaachers, is this all really relevant? Will this truly help me become a better teacher? I still have the best days of my life ahead of me---don't make me hate my occupation before I begin.

GOOD NEWS! I might get to do my first senior semester block in the SUMMER. Which means *gasp*...I'll graduate in December. I'm ready to graduate. I am NOT ready for the real world. Alex mentioned something about going back to school to become a paramedic. Why do I surround myself with biology and medic lovers? Come on...my two best friends (Amy and Kayla) and my boyfriend all have or are working on degrees in Biology. I guess for what I couldn't make in the grade, I have more than made up for in sources for reference. SO...the plan is to graduate, put my name in the school systems of the five surrounding counties, and hope someone takes maternity leave or quits their job in December so I will have a place to work.

Tonight, I get to see my sweetheart at the Kosciusko playoff game. The Fire Dept is doing a tailgate thing . Tomorrow and Sunday, I dive into schoolwork and hopefully get to see Alex somewhere in there. Something happened to his tire, so his truck is out of commission :(

Anyway, it's back to work for. Good thing I get off early today !

Chelsea Leann