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Monday, November 1, 2010

Boyfriends can be Butts

If I make it through this week without killing him, I will probably end up marrying him. Why is the male population so likely to annoy the bajeezes out of me? I’m at my wits end and it’s only noon on Monday!

Meagan and I decided on Sherwood Apartments. It’s a two bedroom, two and a half bath apartment for 860 a month. The bathrooms are a little small, but its in a nice neighborhood not far from campus.

Only three weeks left in practicum. I’m going to miss all those kids. But I am so ready to begin Middle School Block! And turns out, Summer Senior Block I may be available. That’ll set me up to graduate in December (EEP!).
I feel like papers and information should be pouring out of my ears. Literally---anything from the 16th century’s view on women through literature to culturally-relevant teaching, I have you covered.

This weekend is my brother’s 23rd birthday, so Happy Birthday big bro!

Andddd, that’s all. So far.
More rampages to come, I’m sure. Alex never lets me down.

Chelsea Leann