? ??????????????Splatter Pattern? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.5 (24 Ratings)??8703 Grabs Today. 31818 Total Grab
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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I got Cable....and my TV screen went out.

I'm a work as usual, but I thought you needed an update on apartment living. It's all good so far. The other night, it was stormyyy and the tornado sirens were going off. Normal people would have hidden in their closets, pantries, bathrooms. Me? I poked my head out the door, because I didn't know what was going on. And low and behold, my neighbors were sitting on their front porches drinking beer, talkinga bout the probability of a tornado. I think I love where I live. I found out my neighbors were football players (well, one is and one used to be), and they're pretty cool. My apartment was clean for the first few days, but I must admit, its getting slightly messy in the lady-cave.

Alex came to visit Saturday as a surprise :) It was great having him there, because I've been dying to show him my apartment. Monday, Kayla came over for movies and study time. I must say, I'm not sure anything was accomplished.

I finally got cable yesterday! I was so excited. I had to go to class, so when I got back around 9, I sat back, flipped it on, ready to watch something. Anything. Fifteen minutes later, I'm staring at the TV in a stupor. My screen went out. So I turned it off and tried again about thirty minutes later...the TV came on. I quickly changed the inputs, to see if it was cable or the tv. Sadly, it's the TV. Alex offered me the use of his TV...and I'm seriously thinking about taking him up on the offer. What a sweet boyfriend I have.

I finally ordered Alex's Christmas Present. It's....nope not telling on here either, sweetie haha. And I bought Bryan the canvas packs so I can paint him some Bulldogs! Woot Woot!
So, one final down, four to go. One is in a few hours, one is tomorrow night, one is friday afternoon, and one is Monday morning. Then it's work and preparation for my Colorado trip. 10 days! I'm very excited. Well it's back to work time.

Oh, and have I mentioned that I really have the sweetest boyfriend?
