? ??????????????Splatter Pattern? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.5 (24 Ratings)??8703 Grabs Today. 31818 Total Grab
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Sunday, December 19, 2010

Christmas Begins

So...Christmas shopping is done, all except for my dirty santa gift for the "Jenkins" family Christmas. We call it the Jenkins family Christmas, because that's how everyone is related, even though no one has that last name any more. I'd like to name my son after Jenkins, but the poor boy would be destroyed on the playground...anyway....

Alex came to see me Wednesday night. We allllll hung out (Meagan, Cassidy, Alex, and I) but I haven't seen him since. I could have seen him, but he was busy. But he misses me. I don't get how you can miss someone but not want to see them just yet. Weird, huh? But hunting season knocks all natural things out of wack. I'm about to wrap his present....or so I thought. I'm scissorless, and am probably going to have to free hand it. I can't walk or draw a straight line, much less tear it. Should have just bought the bag.

The Collins Family Christmas was yesterday. Aunt Sam brought another boyfriend for us to meet. I think my family has liked him the most, but it doesn't really matter what we think in the end, does it? It's allll up to her. I got a gift card to Barnes and Noble. Whose family knows her well? Mine does, that's right. I actually went to church with my family this morning, and somehow got wrangled into singing in the choir. After church, I got to join in the family lunch I miss EVERY Sunday, and then I went home and watched a movie as everyone else left. Yep, I come home and everyone leaves. Typical---just kidding.

Now, I'm sitting in Starkville next to new roomie, Meagan, and we're just chillaxin.

OH and I got my hair cut!

me and daddy at Christmas 2010

Me and Ethan

Momma and I

Thats all for now. More soon, probably.

Chelsea Leann Collins