? ??????????????Splatter Pattern? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.5 (24 Ratings)??8703 Grabs Today. 31818 Total Grab
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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

14 Days

14 days and counting until Alex breaks the six month curse. However, I'm not nervous, nor am I walking on eggshells. In fact, I'm pretty confident lately. It's a great feeling.

As you know, I saw Alex last Wednesday and hadn't seen him since. I missed him, but I was trying (note "trying") to give him space for hunting and whatever else it is men do. I admit, it made me sad. But it's all good. Because last night, guess who surprised me at my door in Starkville? Santa...wait, no. That's not it. ALEX. When I opened the door I screamed, because it was this beared stranger with stuff in his arms. But then, I realised that it was my sweetheart, and it was a nice surprise. So, of course, I must recount my darling gifts. He set me up with a metallic hot pink sanyo digital camera (since mine broke on my trip to Colorado), complete with carrying case and memory card, an MSU platter than makes me want to immediately bake some cookies or something, and a lot of Love Spell products from Victoria Secret. So....if you see me running around excitedly taking pictures while passing up brownies while smelling wonderful, well, just go blame Alex. His gift actually fit him! I was so nervous at first, but he said he liked it. Since that's all I have to go off of, I'm going to just say he liked it and that's that.

Tomorrow, THE Collins family (my immediates) are coming over to my apartment for our "Christmas" dinner. Then, Thursday, it's time for the Jenkins family Christmas. My dirty santa gift kicks butt! It's a Paula Dean 9X9 turquoise blue baking dish, two boxes of brownies and four Christmas themed bowls to place the brownies in. Needless to say, I'm so stealing it if someone gets it from me. It's going to be an all out war!

This morning, I have done nothing but watch videos and episodes on hulu and nbc. The Sing Off is such a good show! I wish I could find The Little Mermaid somewhere, but I guess one can only dream for perfection. Anyway, I guess I need to get up and get dressed....or atleast get up! Toodles and Merry Christmas.

Cheslea Collins