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Monday, January 3, 2011

My Hair is Growing

The random title is just that: random. I am growing my hair out, and it's taking its sweet time. But, all good things usually have to be patiently waited for. So, if you see me, encourage my not to chop it off. It's very hard some days when nothing goes right with it. But everyone has those days and I must persevere! My Christmas Holidays and New Years was satisfactory. Nothing too exciting, but sometimes things are better that way. Alex and I spent New Years Eve together doing nothing, and it was fabulous. Now, I'm back at work like the diligent student worker I am. Really...it's just because I want that money! Speaking of money, that leads me to the thought of scams.

A girl came to my door last night and was talking about points, public speaking, and something else. Next thing I know, I'm handing over a check for a Bridal Magazine subscription for two years. After she left, I felt very uneasy, so I decided to google it (of course). Midwest Circulation...and first thing that pops up is their website. The second thing is its listing on listofscams.com. So now, as soon as I get off of work for lunch, I'm going straight to the bank to cancel the check, just to be safe. I wish they would have let me do it over the phone, but they said there was a form I had to fill out. Just my luck. I'm such a pushover!

Tomorrow is THE day I've been counting down to for six months. Alex breaks the curse tomorrow! Even though the past couple of days haven't been a smooth ride, we are going to make it. Let me say that the lack of smoothness was mostly from my overactive imagination, easily hurt feelings....and a little from his grumpiness and lack of awareness of the situation. Men. Pah.

I've been living in the apartment for a month now, and Meagan is a great roommate. She's super easy to hang out with and cleans after herself. Hallelujah!  Now, I have to get back to work. Just had to do a quick update of my life. Pictures of Christmas to come!

Chelsea Leann