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Saturday, November 27, 2010

Sitting in a Parking Lot

I am internetless and cableless (is that a word?) until next Wednesday. And between then and now I have a lot of work I need to do on the internet. And the library on campus is closed SO...I'm sitting in an empty parking lot checking my bank account, playing on facebook, and turning in assignments. You have to love the last few days before exams start. I'm about to go pick up my Christmas tree from the old house in Starkville and buy some lights from Lowes or Walmart. I'm really lazy and don't want to go into a big store, but what is a Christmas tree without lights?

So I moved into my apartment. My brother, Kayla, and Patrick helped transport my clothes up the two stories, and my parents and cousin, Brock, helped with the furniture. And...the parents bought me food, that's always a plus. I'm trying to get the internet hooked up, but since I have no kind of technology, it's just me, my computer, and redbox movies until it happens. Oh and books. I like books. My apartment is amazing and I love it, even if it is empty of any furniture besides a table and bed. Thats all you really need right? It's amazing how much difference not having a couch makes. Its so empty. But soon, it will have a Christmas tree!

So let's talk about buying Christmas presents. I thought I was home-free in September when I decided to get Alex one of the super cool RC helicopter. It was pretty expensive, but worth it. Well, I got nervous that he would get mad over the price and mentioned it to him. When he didn't sound excited in the least, I decided not to get that for him. I was only spending money if he could be happy over it. So then I found some amazing gloves that sounded awesome in the description. I got Trey, my daddy, Debbie (Alex's Dad's girlfriend), and Mr. Lemoine (former Ag teacher, who is an avid duck hunter) to check them out and they all said they were amazing. But, alas, Alex told me he didn't wear gloves when he went duck hunting because they either a) made his hands sweat and the sweat turn to ice or b)weren't really waterproof. SO I finally found something that he will like (I hope) and I'm not bringing it up directly or indirectly in any conversation for fear of being shot down. I just can't take it anymoreeeeee.


Bye world. I'm going back to the stone age.


Friday, November 19, 2010

Death Week

      This week has been called "Death Week" for a good reason. It was almost the death of me! It started last Saturday when I wrote all those papers and assignemnts, and it ends today, as soon as I get off work. I've lost my temper, cried, felt sick, been sick,blown up,hid away, and felt delirious all in the past seven days. I kind of feel sorry for Alex and my family and friends. Being around had to suck this week.
    Alas, it is all over and done with and a new weekend is about to start. I get off work at 2 today, get my electricity stuff worked out with Meagan, go home, take a nap, and then get to go see my wonderful, understanding boyfriend...who is probably going to pick a fight with me, because for some unknown reason, he likes to make me mad. Guys---who gets them?

    Last night, Kayla and I went to the Harry Potter 7: Part I premier. I was chilling at her apartment, playing with the webcam, making goofy rap videos, talking about the wedding (since talking about when the engagement is going happen is like walking in a minefield, we talk positive about the wedding. Save the Date, 12.17.10....jk....sorta). We get to the theater around 10:15, thinking that the lobby is probably about 75% full....but that was not to be so. No, the doors were locked, and the line extended down the sidewalk from the box office to the back of the parking lot. And it was cold. We sat in the car for a few moments and finally got out and took our place among the excited (sometimes, too much so) fans. Here are some of the things we saw:

  • A crazy girl in nike shorts and a red shirt on a "quidditch broom" zooming around the marking lot, more like galloping like a horse.
  • A crazy guy yelling at his girlfriend to hold his wand.
  • Several other wands.
  • Some kids in full-out Gryffindor costumes.
Needless to say, very entertaining. The movie was great; I thought they ended it in a very appropriate place. However, we didn't get back to the apartment and in bed until around 3. So, I'm running off of four hours of sleep and am in desperate need of a nap.

      So, I am going to get back to work and count down until I am able to bust out of this joint and go find a cushy bed or couch or piece of grass. Anything will do at this point of my Harry Potter induced exhaustion. I just have to up and ready to see Alex and do whatever it is we're doing. I think he said we're going to Old Mexico in Philadelphia. OR watching Hannah Montana: The Movie. Either way, I need my wits about me. So dear readers, two of you I believe, I hope you have a safe weekend and all that jazz.

1 day until Gun Season Opens
5 days until MOVE IN
6 days until THANKSGIVING
13 days until Finals
20 day until Colorado with Tiffanie

Chelsea Leann

GO STATE. Remembering Nick Bell. BEAT THOSE HOGS.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Why can't people stick to their schedule?

So, why can't people stay on schedule? A teacher assigns work, I do it, and then she pushes back the due date. Well that's all good and dandy for the people who haven't started on it yet, but what does that encourage ME to do? Be a slacker? Be a procrastinater? Even though that I only have about three classes left in this one class, it still makes me MAD. In fact, I'm sitting in the class right now. How perfect is it that I'm writing this blog now.

Thursday I am going to see the Harry Potter 7 premier. I'm pretty pumped. This will make our fourth or fifth movie premier together....not just Harry Potter....in fact, mostly Twilight. I feel like such a nerd.

So I've got a huge ulcer, and have been slightly ill for the past weekend because I was trying to get it done, only to have most of it pushed back until after Thanksgiving. And YES thats a great thing....but all that stress for nothing. CRAP!

Chelsea Leann!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Weekend of 28 Pages

What did I do this weekend? No much at all. I went to see Alex and everyone at the Kosciusko Playoff Game (which they lost). Saturday was spent in pure mind-numbing pain...writing two papers due this week. And by papers, I mean a 14ner, a 6er, and the documentation analysis that has to go with them. Now, I'm where I want to be. Watching Alex play video games that I have no knowlege about. Gotta love it.

-Chelsea Leann

Friday, November 12, 2010

A week of planning

This has been a hectic week, but I have gotten a lot done. However, there is still so much to do, I feel slightly sick every time I walk into a classroom. Teaachers, is this all really relevant? Will this truly help me become a better teacher? I still have the best days of my life ahead of me---don't make me hate my occupation before I begin.

GOOD NEWS! I might get to do my first senior semester block in the SUMMER. Which means *gasp*...I'll graduate in December. I'm ready to graduate. I am NOT ready for the real world. Alex mentioned something about going back to school to become a paramedic. Why do I surround myself with biology and medic lovers? Come on...my two best friends (Amy and Kayla) and my boyfriend all have or are working on degrees in Biology. I guess for what I couldn't make in the grade, I have more than made up for in sources for reference. SO...the plan is to graduate, put my name in the school systems of the five surrounding counties, and hope someone takes maternity leave or quits their job in December so I will have a place to work.

Tonight, I get to see my sweetheart at the Kosciusko playoff game. The Fire Dept is doing a tailgate thing . Tomorrow and Sunday, I dive into schoolwork and hopefully get to see Alex somewhere in there. Something happened to his tire, so his truck is out of commission :(

Anyway, it's back to work for. Good thing I get off early today !

Chelsea Leann

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Facebook Rage

Let me rage. Not about the 12 year olds who came to be in love, or about the guys who post pictures of their abs. Or the girls who talk about Justin Beiber. Those can be addressed later. This goes out to all the liars on facebook who think they're doing such a great job of hiding their true selves from the world.

Number one: If you're married, say it. If you're engaged, say it. If you're not, cut the crap. However, figure it out and stop bullcrapping. You can't defriend and delete your husband or wives facebook account every time you two get in an argument. If you're old enough to be married (which most of you aren't), then you should be old enough not to change your relationship status every five days. We are not in junior high anymore, although some of us might have been engaged or promised at that point. Drama.

Number two: Speaking of drama. Don't air it out on facebook. I know theres the whole "If you dont like it, don't read it" deal, but if I defriended you, you'd eventually be like, "Why'd you defriend me?" and start talking about be behind my back. I don't know how else NOT to read your stupid posts about how great your life is or how hurt your heart is, when I know it's all your fault. Call me cruel, but you dug your hole and we don't feel like reading all about the woes of your life.

Number three: Boyfriends should write on their girlfriends walls. Even if they're talking to them ALL the time, facebook is for letting the world know your life (except for that above). And maybe I...I mean girlfriends...would like the world to know their boyfriend misses them or thinks they're great or had a great time. It's silly, but it's special silly. Just do it! Girlfriends should not, however, impersonate their boyfriends (or wives their husbands) and write "Hey baby, I miss you soooo much." We know it's you, idiot. Boys don't use multiple Os. They aren't that mushy either. And if they are, once a day is enough. Get your man under control or on a leash.

Number four: Don't stalk your exes. That's just creepy. Especially if you're married or in a relationship. It's called move on....I mean, a week or so after you break up is ok. Maybe once or twice a year just to see what's up and to make yourself feel better. But constantly keeping track, going to lengths like hacking other people's facebooks just to do it....come on, psycho queens and kings.

I think I've ranted enough. Call me the facebook police, I don't care. Defriend if you'd like, because that saves me the trouble. I can't get rid of facebook, because that would cause drama. Can't live with it, can't live without it. That's why I have it on my computer at home, at work, and on my phone in two different applications. We love the drama, but I really am beginning to dislike the folks that have a constant supply of it. Oh and DRAMA does not follow you. You create it, nitwit.

Oh, I do feel better. Much love!

Chelsea Leann

Oh...and Justin Beiber sings well....for a 12 year old girl. HA! I said it. Bring it on, munchkins.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Who wants to bring me lunch?

It's Wednesday afternoon, we're halfway through the week, and it looks like it is about to snow outside....only, we all know it isn't. You have to love Mississippi though, right? I'm working through lunch, as usual, but am quite hungry. I'm tempted to call good ole Daddy and ask him to bring me something....but fast food just isn't what I crave today. You know I crave? A hug from my boyfriend. It's ridiculous how someone who can make me so mad can also be the key to making my day a brighter, fuller one.

Yesterday, Nick Bell passed away. He had cancer, and he took a turn for the worse. He was my age. I think this is a reminder to everyone that life is short and you never know---so live it while you can. We all rang our cowbells at 7:36 last night on campus and around Starkville. 36 rings for number 36, 7 o clock for 7 wins. God bless that Bulldawg.

I sign my lease tomorrow. I'm so nervous, it's ridiculous. Momma's coming up to Starkville as soon as school lets out. We get to look over the apartment again, and I pray she doesn't find anything at fault. Anyway, it is time for me to get back to work.

Oh, and I adore my boyfriend. Just saying.

Chelsea Leann

Monday, November 1, 2010

Boyfriends can be Butts

If I make it through this week without killing him, I will probably end up marrying him. Why is the male population so likely to annoy the bajeezes out of me? I’m at my wits end and it’s only noon on Monday!

Meagan and I decided on Sherwood Apartments. It’s a two bedroom, two and a half bath apartment for 860 a month. The bathrooms are a little small, but its in a nice neighborhood not far from campus.

Only three weeks left in practicum. I’m going to miss all those kids. But I am so ready to begin Middle School Block! And turns out, Summer Senior Block I may be available. That’ll set me up to graduate in December (EEP!).
I feel like papers and information should be pouring out of my ears. Literally---anything from the 16th century’s view on women through literature to culturally-relevant teaching, I have you covered.

This weekend is my brother’s 23rd birthday, so Happy Birthday big bro!

Andddd, that’s all. So far.
More rampages to come, I’m sure. Alex never lets me down.

Chelsea Leann