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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Sunday Posting

This weekend has seemed to go on and on. Yesterday, I thought it was Sunday. But it has been a wonderful weekend. Friday night, Alex picked me up and took me to Starkville. The original plan was to go to the movies, but his friend Cassidy asked us to come hang out. I had no preference, to be honest. I just wanted to be with Alex. Every day stretches on forever that I dont get to see him. I know, I sound like a melodramatic seventh grader with her first boyfriend. Cut me a break, I just live for the weekends. We hung out with Cassidy, his girl Meagan, and Bill. Everytime I see Bill, I just see Alex grinning, doing his best Chicago impression, saying "Hey guys." It's too cute and funny. Of course, despite the "please don't go over there and ignore me" conversation, more or less, me and Meagan talked while Alex, Cassidy, and Bill talk. It was fun though. I really liked Meagan. She's one of those girls that just seems layed back, easy to get along with, and interested in whatever you say. She even said I looked like a teacher! It made me feel better, because sometimes I feel like I don't fit in any profession. Saturday, I was looking for an excuse to go to Kosciusko so I could see Alex. I know, I know--total overkill, but really, I missed this guy. So, I scheduled a hair appointment, and came out of the salon with a lot of blonde over my dark brown. I'm two-toned...whatever that means. I'll go back every three or four weeks for a few months until my hair is mostly blonde or light brown. I miss my natural colour. One of the guys in my high school used to call it caramel...of course he was black, and had a pick up line to go with it, but I took it as a joke. It's one of the things you learn to just act stupid over in Weir, as if you can't tell they're hitting on you or hating on you. That's probably why so many of my classmates were surprised to see me graduate 4th in my class, give a speech, become Star Student with my ACT, and find that I was in Honors at State. Maybe I played stupid a little too well.

I'm in moody hell. I couldn't figure out why all Thursday or Friday and then I finally figured it out. I'm always between cursing Eve and praising her name, because without her, I don't htink I ever would have been born. It's bitter sweet to be a girl, eh? On this lazy Sunday, I have watched my typical wedding shows, found a new one that I hated (Left At The Alter) that will surely plague my nightmares for weeks, organized my school binder, finished a Phonics Pre-Test, and am about to print out the rest of my syllabi and read the first chapter of every book...just because I'm a nerd and want to get a 4.0 this year. I hope to pull my GPA up to above a 3.0 this semester, and hopefully be a 3.5 by the end of junior year. Freshman year, Biology, and Trigonometry were the murderers of my GPA.  Well, I was just dropping in for a quick "This is my life...."

As you can see, not all that interesting, except for that cute stalker of mine.

Love always,
Chelsea Leann