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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

MSU Workers

So, I need to rant. MSU workers, it's not that hard to be nice for two minutes to a student who is obviously concerned about where her money went. I could see if it was a little annoying if it were the paltry sum of maybe 100 dollars. But when it reaches up in the thousands, I'd be prepared to be extra nice. I don't care what kind of morning you've had. If someone calls you, pull your Southern Charm out and use it like a fairy on crack. You don't have to smile at me, you can even be fake. But you need to attempt to atleast to be sweet. You are a representative of Mississippi State University and by having a bad, smart-ellic, I don't want to help you attitude, you do not show us to be the "People's University". Guess what? I'd much rather be in a cabin, sleeping in my baby's arms, listening to rain hit the tin roof and windows. But I'm not going to take it out on everyone that tries to make you do your job. So there. I've had my rant. And just noticed a huge jumping spider about 6 inches from my hand. Signing outtttt!

Chelsea Leann