? ??????????????Splatter Pattern? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.5 (24 Ratings)??8703 Grabs Today. 31818 Total Grab
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Friday, August 13, 2010

Jumping Spider

I'm stealing a few moments of "me" time at work. Everyone is out to lunch and I wanted to update for my stalker. There is this tiny, creepy spider that jumps at me every time I attempt to get near my desk. At the moment is on the side of an old cup, staring at me. It moves like lightening and JUMPS so I can't ever kill it. But, don't worry, I won't let it kill me either. Yesterday, a void that has been in my life for three long empty months has been filled. By Alex, you ask? NO. By Amy Bowling, my bestest friend who makes me smile and laugh and all that jazz. We met about two years ago and got really close last Fall when we had American Literature together. That's the only good thing that came out of that class, no thanks to Bonnie McNeill. Sweet lady, agitating teacher---just saying.

Anyway, we hung out for a few hours and even visited with Uncle Billy, who gave us a lecture on the perfect boyfriend, etc. Same story, different setting. He has yet to meet Alex. Actually Alex has only met my parents and brother. I don't think I'm quite ready to release my crazy horde of relatives on him. I mean, they scare ME sometimes and I've been arround them for 20 years. But maybe if I did introduce him, he'd see that I really am quite normal.

The spider just moved across the back of the computer table and is perched on top of my stapler. I hate this spider. I think I'll name it Charlie.

Alex has been working at the fair for two nights and will continue to do so for two more nights. Parking cars. It's sad that people are not smart or respectful enough to park themselves. How dare they take my quality time with my baby away from me. So, poor darling Alex is left to stalk my facebook, myspace, and blog to spend time with me. I, however, have no way to stalk him as he never updates ANYTHING. I guess he like to keep me hanging. Punk.

My boss said I could take Monday off so I could shop. YAY! All my jeans are about 3 years old and holey. As I am moving on up in the world---JUNIORRRRRR---I imagine I need to start dressing slightly less bummy and more professional. Or atleast like I have a job and can afford a good pair of jeans....or four. I need to order a new phone cover while I'm at it. My poor blackberry won't last much longer if I keep dropping, kicking, and misusing it. I guess I rough up my possessions. MY PUMAS CAME IN! I'm so excited. This online shoppnig thing is really nifty. This week's obsession online is ebay. I'm currently bidding on some blue right handed golf clubs. They're pretty, I want them, but I refuse to spend more than 80 as there is a possibility that I won't be very good at golf and won't use them. Like the paintball gun....which is for sale, along with mask and a box of paint balls for the great price of $100.00. It's a great gun, three settings---I wish I could tell you what the settings were but as I've only shot it once for about ten minutes, I cannot explain the full awesomeness of it. It's blue, like everything else I own though.

The spider is inching closer. I'm going to sign off now. Peace out...

And Alex, darling, I miss you.

Chelsea Leann