? ??????????????Splatter Pattern? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.5 (24 Ratings)??8703 Grabs Today. 31818 Total Grab
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Friday, September 10, 2010

MSU/Auburn Game=One Confusing Week

Monday was Labour Day.

Wednesday, I met my kindergarden class at Ackerman Elementary. They're cute.
I also road my motorcycle to Starkville for class.
AND I chipped my tooth.

Thursday, I had a test. Then, a dentist appointment. Then, an hour to "observe" at Sudduth Elementary. And then, there was football.

Alex and his dad picked me up, and I brought my oversized, very pink cowbell to annoy them both. It worked. Chelsea: 1, Deasons: 0. It was a great game from my view, as I had my boyfriend beside me, and was in a great seat. A cute little girl was on my other side, and the Bulldogs weren't getting buried with their bones. We didn't win---no, we couldn't be that lucky--but we did hang on until the bitter end. #14 hung onto the ball a little too much, but that's a negative fact of the game. Sometimes, football gets sloppy and confusing. I guess that's expected since everyone running in different directions, you never know where the ball is going to go, and people are trying to hit you. It's entertaining from the stands, atleast. We stayed until the end of the game (MSU 14, Auburn 17) and didn't get home until 12. I was able to fall asleep until around 1. It doesn't seem to bad if it would have only been on a weekend. No, no. I had to be up early this morning to get to work by 8. Dern responsibilities.

Isn't he the most handsome guy? So sweet!

Friday: I'm about to fall asleep over the computer. I need to get to work. I have a girls night that starts in four hours, and I'm trying to pep myself up for it. I've missed my girls so much--Jessica and Samantha were in Tae Kwon Do with me. Butttt, I'm really tired. If I stay awake throughout the whole movie, it'll be a miracle.

The days to come: Saturday, I will be in Kosciusko at Attala Martial Arts's competition. I'm pretty pumped to see the kids. They've moved up the ranks very quickly! Iva Ruth has done a fantastic job. One day I will get back in it. After that, I'm kidnapping Alex and we're going to...well, I don't know what we will do, I just know I'll be in my favorite place. Sunday will be dedicated to projects due the next week. More on that.

Has anyone read The Very Hungry Caterpillar? Alex doesn't know what I'm talking about. Weirdo <3