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Sunday, September 19, 2010

Weekend of Restation and HBO Freebies

Dear readers…or should I say reader?

My weekend was splendid, if I do say so myself. Boyfriend time, family time, and friend time. I haven’t had a weekend like this in awhile. It was a completely unplanned, relaxed few days…mixed in with some NyQuil and DayQuil. I don’t have a cold, but the medicine the doctor gave me isn’t doing anything but muffling the cough and now I have the sniffles. Which sucks, because now instead of sounding like a dog when I cough, I also sound like a pig when my nose gets too stuffy. Lucky me, and lucky Alex for getting to be seen with me, his personal little farm animal. Let’s start with Friday, shall we?
Friday, (which I have already updated, so this is just more of a continuation) started out as a rough, sad sad day. But, I got off work early, took some DayQuil, drank a NOS, washed and vacuumed my car, and headed to the Kosciusko vs. Philadelphia football game. I got to see Meagan and Cassidy, and of course all the wonderful firemen of Kosciusko. Did I mention that I also got to see that super cute (and newly shaven) boyfriend of mine? He was the main reason I was there, after all. The game was an epic fail if you were a Whippet fan. It was an exciting rendezvous for a new Philly Tornado fan. Kosciusko made some major mistakes, missing extra points, going for it on the 4th down, when they were under 20 yards on the Philly side. It was mistake after mistake. So much for an easy Homecoming win, right? Afterwards, I got some quality time with Alex before going home.
Saturday, dawned bright and early at 10 AM. It was dedicated to HBO movies of Bride Wars, the Time Travelers Wife, and other random tidbits of Jersey Shore. I got really bored and called up Amy. We ended up going to our favorite Mexican place in Starkville, La Terrezza, and then to see Easy A. I’ve missed my Amy! It was great to have a night with her.
Sunday, I spent just chilling on the couch (again) watching the typical wedding shows and more Jersey Shore and HBO movies. Then, Alex came over! Me and Brock were chilling on the back porch, reminiscing, and Alex got to hear some background family funk. My grandmother is obsessed with babies, etc. After that, I got to just lay back with Alex for a few hours.
Now, it’s almost bed time and I’m watching Bride Wars again, dreaming away. Gotta love it.

Do you ever look back and replay a bad memory over and over in your head, trying to learn from it, and finding that you just don’t know where you went wrong? So you’re lost as to how to prevent the bad memory from becoming a new reality. Yeah, well, it sucks. But everyone is different so the same thing can’t happen the same way, so maybe I’m safe. Hope so. *fingers crossed*

Love always,
Chelsea Collins