? ??????????????Splatter Pattern? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.5 (24 Ratings)??8703 Grabs Today. 31818 Total Grab
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Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I wonder if it's been six weeks since I pierced my ears...probably not. Time feels like it's passing when you're waiting for something good. Time is a funny thing, and at the moment, I want to sleep without my earrings in. I should probably go buy some new ones. Momma is getting agitated with me "borrowing" hers. Oh well. Today was a very regular day. Got up, got to school super early, presented a project, went to work, went to the doctor, went back to work, went to class, came home, wrote a lesson plan, and am currently waiting for that handsome guy of mine to make my phone ring. I think he's teaching me patience, or something like that. Lord forbid that I try to teach him patience. Alex can't sit through commercials without getting ill, much less waiting for his favoritest girl to text him back. (Note: I'm writing this just to agitate him. It's a fun new game.) I know what I'm going to get him for Christmas! And he is going to love it.

Now, I know what you are thinking. Four months until Christmas, Chelsea. Four months. You still gotta get through Halloween and Thanksgiving. But ladies and gentlemen, although it is sometimes difficult to break the m old of my fears, I am quite confident that Alex will not only be there for this Christmas, but for many to come. And I just really want to buy him this present because it'll make him happy. I even have inside help! EEP!

That makes me think of giving. Soooo many people think that if they give a good gift, they should get a good gift. That's the whole reason of gift giving...gift recieving. Now, I think that's wrong. I think you should give someone something because you want to make them happy. Price or what you're getting in return shouldn't matter....oh, I really can't wait until Christmas so I can buy him this and see his face. Can you imagine how frantic I'm going to be, how absolutely nervous. Even the most cocky of people get nervous.

 Trey is on his way home as we speak. He should have about two and half hours left on his trip home. I don't believe he will be going back to the rig thing. Even though I really am glad my best friend will be around more, I wish he would have been able to stick to the job. But who really wants to be away from home two weeks at a time doing miserable work? I just want him to be happy and successful. Crazy boy. He always asks how Alex is treating me. I think its funny, because I'm always talking about how much I care about Alex and how I hope I get it right this time. And Trey just laughs at me and says "He better." It's like all the men in my life are hell-bent on keeping me safe, whether physically or emotionally. I want to get Trey a girlfriend, but he's such a kid sometimes, I don't know if I want to put one of my friends through the unsureness of that bestie of mine. The guy knows all my secrets, hopes, and fears, but I don't know if I trust him with my friends. He's a little too easy going with the ladies. "I don't have girlfriends, I have friends." That's Trey for you. I'll have to post a picture of me and him soon. Goober.

Hopefully, Alex and I will take another picture soon. I'm a picture fanatic, as y'all know, and he should have known what he was getting into. All anyone has to do is look at my facebook or myspace and it should be obvious: This girl likes pictures. Alex isn't a bad sport about it though. Or if he is, I just think it's cause it's morning time, supper time, or just grumpy time. He's cute when he's mad though. In a very annoying, teeth grinding way. If that's possible. He's mine though, ladies. So hands-off.

I guess I'm going to go to bed and wait for Mister Deason to call me. A girlfriend's life for me :)

Love always,
Chelsea Leann