? ??????????????Splatter Pattern? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.5 (24 Ratings)??8703 Grabs Today. 31818 Total Grab
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Monday, October 25, 2010

Update...a few days late?

Well, last week was exciting. I decided to move out of my house (or at least begin the process of), found a roommate (the lovely Meagan Jones), and helped work the House of Horror with Kosy Fire Dept. It was...interesting and exciting and confusing. I don't know where we're going to live. We've narrowed it down between Sherewood and Spruill, I think. I guess we're girls and we're never going to decide, but hey, I'm pumped and ready to move in with her. She's hilarious, fun, smart, and we mesh well.

The House of Horror was an interesting experience, to say the least. I didn't get bored and always had something to do or someone to talk to. I did have an awkward moment with some odd guy named Gabriel, of course when my boyfriend is no where to be found to rescue me.

Ever been hit on by someone you're not interested in, couldn't be, wouldn't be, no way ever gonna be? Yes, I am being shallow. Yes, he's a nice guy. But...not my type in the least. I did everything I could to get out of the situation-mentioned Alex a dozen times, changed the subject and talked to other people, pretended to get a phone call, tried to walk away, I even brought up pictures of Alex and was like, "He's my world.". Old dude didn't get the picture. So, I walked away hurriedly with a phone number and a feeling of guilt knowing I'd never call. But what was I supposed to do?

Anyway, more later. Peace outttt.

Chelsea Collins