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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Apartment Shopping

Welllll, the time has come for me to give up on me getting a barn, an airstream, or a Katrina Cottage and to just move back to Starkville. Back to the crazy bills, the stressful grocery shopping, and the occassional siren. And by occassional, I mean atleast once a week. Back to no curfew, no puppy, and no one cleaning up after me. Surprisingly, I'm not too sad over it. I mean, I am going to miss living with my mom and my dad. I love them so much, and we've gotten closer over the past year. But I need my own space. I need it.

So I looked for one bedroom apartments. Guess what? It's so expensive, it makes me sick. Sicker than the idea of having a roommate. I've had a bad experience, as one of my readers knows. Probably my one and only reader, because my stalker is being a slacker and doesn't check up on me much anymore. Maybe I should bad mouth him and then he'll check it out by ironic melodramaticism. Don't google that word. I'm not sure it exists.

So, in comes Meagan Jones. I met her through Alex's best friend Cassidy. So, I guess what I'm trying to say is: My future roommate is my boyfriend's best friend's girlfriend. Yeah, that about sums it up. She's a really cool chick, and we clicked the first time we met. She currently goes to MCC, but will be transfering to EMCC. We've been looking at two bedroom apartments...or really, I've been googling two bedrooms and texting her about them. So far I've found:

A four-bedroom, four-bath house in The Highlands with one resident looking for roomates for 400 a piece, including cable and internet. I liked it, but Meagan isn't too savvy on moving in with a stranger or living in the party-typical former golf course. Land of the fratastic. Baha.

A two-bedroom, one bath apartment at The Links. I love this place, because it is so quiet, pretty, and safe. Plus, my best friend, a few friends, and my uncle live there. It'll be about 330 a month, plus cable, garbage, water and electricity....I figured it'd end up being about 450 at the most.

A two-bedroom townhouse with Spurill Townhouses that has 1.5 bath. I've been inside one before and it's not too bad. I believe rent was 450 a month, but I'm not quite sure.

A two-bedroom, two bath trailer at Kountry Aire (Don't Ask!), but I'm not sure if it includes a washer and dryer, and I really can't afford to go out and buy a new washer and dryer and I'm not sure if you can rent one. And I am NOT dragging my clothes home to wash them. Guys can do that, but girls have to have access to a way to clean their stuff!

That's all for me lately. I'm just anxious about this apartment thing. I want a safe place with a good deal. *sigh*

Chelsea Leann

I looked at Crossgates, but those apartments are super expensive, too. It's pretty stressful trying to find a place....

On top of that, I'm in search of furniture. And I mean CHEAP furniture. Meagan has a couch, so we need a table and a coffee table and maybe a stand to go beside a couch? I guess it's time to go garage sale shopping! I'm pretty pumped, as you can tell. I haven't told my parents about me deciding to move in with another girl, because they're about as roommate shy as I am. We've had one or two bad experiences. But I just can't afford to live by myself and not live off of Ramen Noodles. I can't deal with that sodium intake. But, I think I will tell my mom first, because she'll soak up the information better. Then she'll tell my dad. And my dad doesn't care as long as he doesn't have to move stuff. Did I mention, I was also looking for a bedroom set? Hello Christmas present! I need one, though. Haven't had a new bed since I was a little kid! Stupid hand-me downs. But honestly, I'll take a mattress on the flower if I have to. Sad, but true. I'm not too hard to please.

Meagan and I had this discussion about dishes and bathrooms. I think we'll work out just fine. We're meeting Friday at like 3 to look at some apartments...eep!