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Monday, October 11, 2010

Alex Meets Weir and Kayla's 21st

Sorry for the depressingly deep blog Friday night. Saturday night, Alex drove down to Weir to meet some of the people I grew up with at the McKnight's Septoberfest. He was very tired, and we ended up leaving rather early. I didn't mind, though, because I kind of wanted some alone time. I'd missed him very much over the past week. I don't know what he thought of my friends, but I figure he doesn't have much of an opinion. Justin was there with a girl I used to idolize when I was in kindergarten. I gave him heck about it, just because she is atleast eight years older than us and she made me feel like an ugly little five year old all over again. I can't hate on him too much though, because if not for him, I'd never have met my Alex. It's amazing how someone can do you so wrong but you can still be friends with them, because of one good deed. Alex thinks I still have feelings for him. I guess he'll never know how wrong he is, but thats his problem to deal with. I know how I feel and who I feel it for and thats that.

Alex can be one of the most wonderful guys in the world when he wants to be. When he's grumpy, it makes me grumpy or sad. When he's happy, I'm usually happy unless he's teasing me. He makes my blood boil and my temper rise, but I love every moment I spend with him and wouldn't exchange a second for anything. Not every day is a good day, but every day is a new day, right? I wish I could fully explain the effect Alex has on me. He makes me feel safe, cared for, and able to do anything. I've never felt so beautiful or special as I have in the past few months. I trust him-although sometimes, my fears get the best of me. Alex is a great guy, and it wouldn't surprise me if I found out girls were after him. I'm a jealous girl. I try not to be. But I look back at what my trusting and naive way has gotten me, and I can't help but be a little suspicious when things seem to go a little too well. I don't know what to do about it, but I guess I'll get over it with time. Everytime I get caught up in the memories...oh well.

Today was Kayla's 21st birthday. She's probably the person today in the WORLD that turned 21 and didn't take a sip of alcohol.  Freak...just kidding. She's the better me I guess. But I kidnapped, blindfolded, and took her to Red Lobster in Tupelo. We had such a great time! After Red Lobster, we went to the mall. I got some of those cute, currently in fashion, brown Fall boots everyone's tucking their jeans into, a friendship bracelet with arrows on it, and a fake engagement ring. You guys may laugh over the last purchase, but if you're a single girl, who is even slightly pretty, you understand. I don't want to be engaged right now, and I am quite content just being a girlfriend. In fact, I think I'll be ok with that for awhile. But, unfortunately, there is no outward sign that I have a boyfriend, and that seems to give guys the idea that they can talk to you, and quite frankly, bug the crap out of you. Now, I'm not fighting off guys all day, every day. I'm not THAT pretty, interesting, or charming by far. But every once in a while when I dress up and go out with my girls, or walk across campus on a good day, there's that one cocky frat guy who wants to holla at you. And even when you step back, and say, "Sorry, I have a boyfriend. ", it doesn't seem to matter. So, now I have a fake engagement ring that screams "TAKEN! LEAVE ME THE HECK ALONE!". I used to have another one, but I lost it when I moved back to Weir. Truly unfortunate, because it was a really sparkly, pretty ring.

I finally got home around five, and my parents were home from Tennessee! I was so glad to see them, because I had missed them sooooo much. They bought me an angel necklace. I used to be obsessed with angels when I was a little girl. I had every figurine and painting you could imagine. I guess momma didn't mind all that much, because, when it wasn't Christmas, she could just put the angel stuff in my room. And, wouldn't you know, I became a Pi Phi Angel. Hail Mississippi Gamma! Anyway, they're back, I'm back. I'm tired and happy and cannot wait to see what this week brings.

Chelsea Leann