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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Graduated, Hired, and Waiting

It's been about a month since my last update, so I guess I can go ahead and update again. It's hard to type because of the fake nails I got put on for Kayla's wedding. They make my hands look nice, but I'm not used to them in the least.

Anyway, I graduated! I am now, for the first time in my life, no longer a student. I refuse, however, to admit to being an adult. I was hired by a school district as a 7th grade Language Arts teacher, and I couldn't be more excited. Graduating from MSU was an accomplishment for me, I guess, but it was probably a bigger deal for others. Graduating from college was always expected, so I guess I just felt like I had a completed a task (3.5 year task). Here are, of course, some pictures from the wonderful event that I made my family sit through!

(L to R) Iver, Me, and Kayla

My Daddy and I

The star of my blog :) Alex!

Me and Kayla!

Me and the best mommy ever

Shot of my graduation cap. It's the purple sparkly one.

After graduation came another important event. Kayla got married! She is no longer able to be KB, K-bear, or anything as such. She is now Kayla Dillinger. I can't call her KD, because she is NOT a Kappa Delta. She  is a Pi Phi, and that'd be wrong in so many ways. So I guess she can be K-Dill, or....well I will think of something. Her wedding was pretty and exciting. I'm so glad that she and Patrick found each other. Here are some shots from the wedding. I was in it, so I wasn't able to get many of the ceremony.

Alex and I at the reception


Isn't her dress gorgeous?

Kayla, Patrick, Hunter, and Tiffini

Kayla, Patrick, Colton, Kimble, Lane, and Neelie

Pi Phi Sisters! Won't you be my baby?

Christmas is coming up, fast and furious. And I'm EXCITED (of course). I'm ready to give Alex his presents and his family theirs. I feel like I did a great job this year, and I am going to slowly drag through these next few days. Alex says he won't open his presents until I can open mine. He's trying to kill me, I just know it. I told him he could just get me a shiny ring that symbolized forever....but I don't think the idea caught on. Oh well, maybe next year. 

Until...I get a chance to update again,
Chelsea Leann (still) Collins

Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Light at the End of the Tunnel

Or is it a disaster waiting to happen?

Sorry that it's been so long. If the time since my last post is any clue, student teaching has obviously been extremely time consuming. I'm now enjoying my first Thanksgiving Break since my junior year in high school. It is kind of nice not having to work for a week....and, to think....it's only SATURDAY!

My grandmother passed away a couple of weeks ago. She had dementia and wasn't doing very well. I know that she's at peace in Heaven now.

Anyway, since I can't seem to remember everything that has happened since September, I will just post pictures as usual.

Alex's little sister on the way to Old Mexico

My Red Ribbon Week Door!

My sweet Alexander at Stephanie and Billy's wedding!

Justin and Robin at the wedding

Alex and I at the wedding rehearsal

Robin and I at the wedding rehearsal

Alexander and me at the Haunted House

My rock.

Alex and me at Billy and Stephanie's wedding

This is my grandmother holding me as a baby

Trey Bay!

Opening Day of Hunting Season!

And that is the end of the random picture inclusion. Today is opening day of gun season, and my dad kindly took me hunting. We didn't see anything, but I have not lost hope! Maybe I can eventually convince Alex Deason to take me hunting...with a gun...since I have no clue how to use a bow. Hint, hint.

I graduate in 20 days. Kayla gets married in 28 days. Needless to say, things are getting crazyyyy. Her last shower is tomorrow in Baldwyn. I won't be able to make it, because I have to go to church with my parents (Thanksgiving Day at church). I have an appointment Tuesday to finally get my bridesmaid's dress fitted. Honestly, I'm kind of nervous. I don't know if it will fit! I know it's just a simple walk to my mom's closet and try it on, but I don't want to know what I'm going to do if it doesn't fit...besides starve myself for the next month, which I probably should do anyway. I'm just so stressed and hungry all the time....and then tired, so I don't even want to hear the word exercise. I hope that in 20 days I will get my energy back. If not, I'm going to have to figure out something, else I'll be 200 pounds or more soon.

I've been to one interview for a teaching position, been observed once for another teaching position, and had an interview for Hibbett Sports. Surely I will get a job from one of those places?!

Keep me in your prayers. I need them!

Chelsea Collins

Monday, September 26, 2011

Student Teaching Update

My goodness, it has been a long while since my last update! I guess you can say I've been busy.

I love student teaching. The school is wonderful!

Alex and I are doing to great. 

Plan's for Kayla's wedding are go great, I think. We've been so busy with our own lives, we don't get to talk about it much. However, her wedding shower plans are coming along nicely.

Speaking of weddings, Robin asked me to be in hers in March. It is a good thing I don't believe in the old "Three times a bridesmaid, never a bride" superstition. I'd strike out with hers and still have several to go. Bryan and Emily's wedding is coming up in June. I'm hoping we get to find the dress and order it soon. I don't like just sitting still when there's something to do.

Our sweet Millie kitty is growing up! She hates my text books and is constantly laying on top of them. How am I supposed to play when she does that? Alex won't let me push her off though. HE says she's a sweetheart. HE, however, doesn't deal with her all day, only when he visits Weir.

Our friends Billy and Stephanie are getting married soon! I was asked to read scripture and greet guests at the reception, and I am pretty happy. I guess I just like being involved in weddings. Alex probably just read that sentence and groaned. 

Anyway, I have some papers to grade. I'll update soon! Here's a new pictures of what's been going on lately. :)
Kayla and I at Tents 4 Tickets

Millie after a long, hard day's play

 She had a big supper!
Alex and our Millie Kitty

Alexander and I after I dye my hair

Me, Kayla, and Amy at Tents 4 Ticketes. We matchhh!

The newest change to the hair!

Anyway, have a great next few weeks!

Chelsea Leann

Monday, August 8, 2011

The Closing of a Chapter

The time has come for me to leave my job at Sponsored Programs Accounting at Mississippi State University. I walked in the doors 17 years old in June 2008. I was shy, clumsy, sensitive, and terrified. The only thing I could do well was type. I'm leaving there 21 years old, outgoing, still clumsy, a little less sensitive, and confident. The thing is, when you go away to college, your job becomes your family. You see your coworkers every day. They hear about your ups and downs more than your parents do. You still go out with your friends and home on the weekends, but your coworkers are just that overwhelming, supportive family. I'm going to miss them, but, as my boss said, you have to close a book to open another. I still don't feel like an adult yet.

I only have about a week left of vacation. But I'm ready for school. I'm ready to continue on. Right now, I guess I just feel stuck.

Tomorrow's my mom's birthday! Happy Birthday mommy!

I'm going to bed for now, just wanted to drop in.

Oh! Here's a new picture of me and Alex from his baseball tourny. You know I can't resist posting :)

Love always, especially to you Alexander,
Chelsea Leann.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Summer is coming to a close

Well, I guess I've been slacking on the blogging, but I have good reason! I've been moving. Yes, moving...again. I wish I could stay in one place for more than a year. Or atleast a year. I love my parents, but I feel so immature living with them again. But, hey, it's the smart thing to do.

I'm very excited as the time for me to student teach draws near. Everyone believes the 7th and 8th graders will run over me. However, these people have never seen me in teacher mode and have no idea. However, I might have to hit the treadmill if I want to fit into my school clothes! Summer means snacking, and that means a couple of unwanted pounds. It's a hard nuff life for me! But I have had fun hanging with friends and being 21. I even got to hang out with Trey one night by per random chance. Here's a pic of some of us:

This past weekend, I went to Tennessee with the family. We had a good time, although there were bumps in the road. I guess the older you get, the more you want to do your own thing and not follow others. We went "white water rafting" which was more like white water floating in Tennessee. Momma enjoyed it, and that is what matters most. Maybe we can get her to do the tougher kind later. The one that actually has rapids. Alex, that sweetheart of a boyfriend, checked on Millie while I was gone. In doing that, he scored brownie points with my parents. Yay, Alex! I got him what I thought was an awesome knife as a souvineir, but alas, I suck at getting boys things that I know nothing about. It's pretty atleast...even if it's not serated. ]

So, here I am, sitting at work. I'm quite bored even though there are multiple things to do. I just wanted to drop in and give a hello to my one follower...and the one or two folks that read this but don't have a blog, therefore don't subscribe (hint to Amy and Alex). I can't wait for Friday night and fair time. I miss Philadelphia! I especially miss Alex's mom and sister and will be glad when I get to visit them for a little bit. Amy is supposed to come with me. I trying to get her to experience Mississippi outside of what's between Corinth and Starkville. Who knows what will happen with us together. I love that girl!

Anyway, I better get to work. Lots of love, especially to Justin Alexander Deason!

Chelsea Leann

Saturday, July 9, 2011

It's my BIRTHDAY! My 21st birthday!

So, first of all, I like surprises. And my sweet friends and family surprised me with a surprise (gee how many times am I going to say that word?) birthday party. Kayla Black and Amy Bowling were the masterminds behind the operation. In attendance were my parents, Kayla's parents, Kayla, Amy, Alex, Bryan, Emily, and Tiffini. Kayla made an awesome birthday cake!

Everyone played it off perfectly. I thought I had ruined everything when I showed up early, but I didn't know Alex was coming, so that was definitely a surprise. Next time though, I'll just do what Kayla tells me and go to Wal-Mart before showing up at her apartment early. Here are some pics from last night!
Me and my baby on my 21st! He got me a sweet pandora bracelet with a kitten charm (in honor of our kitten, Millie), a heart charm (figure out the meaning yourself), and a flower charm (since he said he'd never buy me flowers haha ). I loved it! He's a wonderful boyfriend, and not just because he gave me something. He's spent the whole day with me and even watched Tangled!

Me and Amy. I  love this girl super much :)

Me and Amy again-proving that I am not only taller, but my hair is also longer!

Meet Emily and Bryan. Bryan is my big brother and Emily is his fiance <3

Me and my favorite bride-to-be (no offense Emily). I can't thank her and Amy enough for the party. 

In front of the awesome birthday sign with my awesome party girl button on!

Me and Kayla's groom-to-be. We're so excited!

Tonight, we're all going out to La Terraza, by far my favorite Mexican restaurant in Starkville. I am going to behave myself, but I am going to have fun! All I can say is, this birthday so far has been the best I've ever had! I'll update with more pictures later!

So, last night was fun! I hadn't quite experienced Starkville night life like that before. First there was the forced shot at La Terraza with the whole restaurant looking, whipcream in my face, a few tears, and a lot of laughter. Then a fun little YouTube get together at my apartment that just sort of happened. After that, me, Amy, Alex, Kayla, and Patrick all went out and had a great time. Here are some pictures!
Kayla and Patrick!


@ The Bin

Me and my love :)

Headed home from our night out!

Love always,
The Now 21 Year Old Chelsea Leann