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Monday, August 8, 2011

The Closing of a Chapter

The time has come for me to leave my job at Sponsored Programs Accounting at Mississippi State University. I walked in the doors 17 years old in June 2008. I was shy, clumsy, sensitive, and terrified. The only thing I could do well was type. I'm leaving there 21 years old, outgoing, still clumsy, a little less sensitive, and confident. The thing is, when you go away to college, your job becomes your family. You see your coworkers every day. They hear about your ups and downs more than your parents do. You still go out with your friends and home on the weekends, but your coworkers are just that overwhelming, supportive family. I'm going to miss them, but, as my boss said, you have to close a book to open another. I still don't feel like an adult yet.

I only have about a week left of vacation. But I'm ready for school. I'm ready to continue on. Right now, I guess I just feel stuck.

Tomorrow's my mom's birthday! Happy Birthday mommy!

I'm going to bed for now, just wanted to drop in.

Oh! Here's a new picture of me and Alex from his baseball tourny. You know I can't resist posting :)

Love always, especially to you Alexander,
Chelsea Leann.