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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Summer is coming to a close

Well, I guess I've been slacking on the blogging, but I have good reason! I've been moving. Yes, moving...again. I wish I could stay in one place for more than a year. Or atleast a year. I love my parents, but I feel so immature living with them again. But, hey, it's the smart thing to do.

I'm very excited as the time for me to student teach draws near. Everyone believes the 7th and 8th graders will run over me. However, these people have never seen me in teacher mode and have no idea. However, I might have to hit the treadmill if I want to fit into my school clothes! Summer means snacking, and that means a couple of unwanted pounds. It's a hard nuff life for me! But I have had fun hanging with friends and being 21. I even got to hang out with Trey one night by per random chance. Here's a pic of some of us:

This past weekend, I went to Tennessee with the family. We had a good time, although there were bumps in the road. I guess the older you get, the more you want to do your own thing and not follow others. We went "white water rafting" which was more like white water floating in Tennessee. Momma enjoyed it, and that is what matters most. Maybe we can get her to do the tougher kind later. The one that actually has rapids. Alex, that sweetheart of a boyfriend, checked on Millie while I was gone. In doing that, he scored brownie points with my parents. Yay, Alex! I got him what I thought was an awesome knife as a souvineir, but alas, I suck at getting boys things that I know nothing about. It's pretty atleast...even if it's not serated. ]

So, here I am, sitting at work. I'm quite bored even though there are multiple things to do. I just wanted to drop in and give a hello to my one follower...and the one or two folks that read this but don't have a blog, therefore don't subscribe (hint to Amy and Alex). I can't wait for Friday night and fair time. I miss Philadelphia! I especially miss Alex's mom and sister and will be glad when I get to visit them for a little bit. Amy is supposed to come with me. I trying to get her to experience Mississippi outside of what's between Corinth and Starkville. Who knows what will happen with us together. I love that girl!

Anyway, I better get to work. Lots of love, especially to Justin Alexander Deason!

Chelsea Leann