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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Graduated, Hired, and Waiting

It's been about a month since my last update, so I guess I can go ahead and update again. It's hard to type because of the fake nails I got put on for Kayla's wedding. They make my hands look nice, but I'm not used to them in the least.

Anyway, I graduated! I am now, for the first time in my life, no longer a student. I refuse, however, to admit to being an adult. I was hired by a school district as a 7th grade Language Arts teacher, and I couldn't be more excited. Graduating from MSU was an accomplishment for me, I guess, but it was probably a bigger deal for others. Graduating from college was always expected, so I guess I just felt like I had a completed a task (3.5 year task). Here are, of course, some pictures from the wonderful event that I made my family sit through!

(L to R) Iver, Me, and Kayla

My Daddy and I

The star of my blog :) Alex!

Me and Kayla!

Me and the best mommy ever

Shot of my graduation cap. It's the purple sparkly one.

After graduation came another important event. Kayla got married! She is no longer able to be KB, K-bear, or anything as such. She is now Kayla Dillinger. I can't call her KD, because she is NOT a Kappa Delta. She  is a Pi Phi, and that'd be wrong in so many ways. So I guess she can be K-Dill, or....well I will think of something. Her wedding was pretty and exciting. I'm so glad that she and Patrick found each other. Here are some shots from the wedding. I was in it, so I wasn't able to get many of the ceremony.

Alex and I at the reception


Isn't her dress gorgeous?

Kayla, Patrick, Hunter, and Tiffini

Kayla, Patrick, Colton, Kimble, Lane, and Neelie

Pi Phi Sisters! Won't you be my baby?

Christmas is coming up, fast and furious. And I'm EXCITED (of course). I'm ready to give Alex his presents and his family theirs. I feel like I did a great job this year, and I am going to slowly drag through these next few days. Alex says he won't open his presents until I can open mine. He's trying to kill me, I just know it. I told him he could just get me a shiny ring that symbolized forever....but I don't think the idea caught on. Oh well, maybe next year. 

Until...I get a chance to update again,
Chelsea Leann (still) Collins