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Sunday, February 19, 2012

Being a Teacher: The First Month

Well, I am a teacher. I hear my new name, Ms. Collins, more than my familiar name, Chelsea. Although, I am sure if I gave my seventh graders the opportunity, they would gladly call me Chelsea.

The name thing is something that is hard to get used to. There are some high school students that have known me since they were little as Chelsea. Some didn't even know I was a teacher. One student called me by my first name in front of my principal and didn't understand why I glared at him in the way teachers do. I had to explain it to him later, but this process is very agitating.

It makes me wonder if getting a job in the school district that I grew up in was a smart idea. I mean, I thought that teaching where I already knew people would be easier. Instead, it is much harder. I am Chelsea...not Ms. Collins. I am young, inexperienced, and reminded of that every day.

I hope to find a job teaching history. That is my dream subject.

Onto other teacher related things...such as my paycheck. I have come to realize why people don't quite like the government officials that create taxes. Since I have no dependents, and am now independent, the government sees fit to take about 550 dollars in taxes. Therefore, my check of about 2100 goes to 1500. So, instead of making the prescribed 31,000, I only get 18,000 of that. Not fair! I knew I wasn't doing it for the money, but that still is ridiculous. At least I have extremely affordable health insurance and summers off, right?

On to non-teacher things...

Alex and I are still going strong. Kayla's Mrs. Dillinger now, and our hang out time has been limited (insert cellos and violins). I haven't been able to hang out with my Amykins because of my busy life and her busy life. (insert dramatic piano). This is getting sad.

I have started to work out (don't laugh, now). I have a goal. When I began one week ago, I weighed 161. My goal is 130. I weighed myself this morning, and I was 157. Not a big change and probably mostly water weight, but it was a booster. If any of my readers known anyone who likes swiss rolls, I have a box that I've been avoiding in my kitchen cabinet. Those things are dangerous.

Justin and Robin's wedding shower is this upcoming weekend! Only two people have RSVP'd, and I am very agitated. Y'all know how OCD I am, and how I hate surprises. So, now, I have no idea how many people are coming, how much food I need, and I'm almost broke. I dislike this business.

Anyway, I'm going to go get on pintrest while my boyfriend ignores me and watches golf, cause that's how we roll.

Chelsea Leann