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Thursday, March 1, 2012

Body by Vi

Hello everyone...and by everyone, I mean you, Alex, the only person who reads my silly little blogs. Thank you though. I love you for it :)

Anyway, today, my 7h graders took their state writing test.We've been preparing, and I almost feel sorry for them. I hear they did well though...atleast they did what I begged them to-pre-write, draft, revise, edit, and publish. They know the writing process, alright!

I've been exercising and eating better for two weeks. I have lost two pounds. This stinks! So, when I got paid, I ordered a month's supply of body-by-vi. I know a teacher who sells it; so, we will see how it goes since it ended up on my door step today. I didn't even ask for overnight shipping-so, GO ME! And go whoever was on top of their shipping stuff...

Current weight: 159.
Goal weight: 129

I'll be back with an update soon.

Chelsea Leann Collins (still)