? ??????????????Splatter Pattern? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.5 (24 Ratings)??8703 Grabs Today. 31818 Total Grab
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Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Hello everyone! So for the first time ever, I'm taking classes and not having to rush to work before or after. My classes were scheduled to go from 9-4 but have recently changed to go from 12-6. However, there's a lot of homework to do, so I can use my extra time for work. In fact, I have two tests tomorrow. That's craziness, but I love it. Because by Friday of next week, I'll be finished with these two classes! Kind of. It's a weird little system. However, I am  currently borrowing a teacher's science book, because financial aid hasn't come through yet. That's embarrassing, but I feel so bad asking my parents for even more money. I just hope it comes in soon. I've called the financial aid office twice, and they keep saying that they're working on it. It's just an aggravating process when everyone else has been awarded their stuff and I'm left hanging.

I've been a little crazy lately. Mood swings of a giant, cupcake cravings, and I have way too much energy. Poor Alex has been get the brunt of the stuff, but I'm glad he's sticking by my side.

Anyway, I'm off to get ready for class. Have a great day!

Oh, and Alex, I love you.

Chelsea Leann