? ??????????????Splatter Pattern? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.5 (24 Ratings)??8703 Grabs Today. 31818 Total Grab
s. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????????????????????????????????Light Show? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.6 (51 Ratings)??7813 Grabs Today. 53573 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??G BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Sunday, May 1, 2011

First Weekend as a "SENIOR"!

Well, this weekend has been spectacular! Well, atleast yesterday was. And by yesterday, I honesty mean from 3-7, because before 3 was absolutely terrible. I had to take the dreaded Praxis 2 (CIA and PLT) and for some reason scheduled it all in one day. If you have to take it in the future, don't do it! Not because it was difficult, because it truly wasn't. It was the people and the scheduling. Goodness me, it took them forever to let us in the room, forever to hand out the test and answer sheets, forever to tell us how to fill them out. For instance, the first test was scheduled to begin at 7:30, with us showing up about ten minutes early so that they could check us in. They didn't let us in until 7:45. By the time everything was handed out and filled out, it was 8:30. I finished at 9:30, but we had to stay until the end (bummer). The second test was set to start at 10:45, but we didn't get in the room until 11, and didn't start the test until 11:20, and didn't get out until 1:20. My afternoon plans were just thrown all out of wack. But, my afternoon. Well that was an adventure!

Amy came roadtripping with me to Kosciusko to the Natchez Trace Festival. We got there at three and I was quite ashamed. I had talked about the festival all week, remembering things from when I was a small kid, how fun it was and how many booths were around. We get there and there are probably fifty booths, all packing up to go home. In the old days (am I really already saying that?) the festival went on into Saturday night. But, I did get my mother a present for Mothers Day. Amy and I then went in search of Alex. She finally met him! I was very excited for my best friend and boyfriend to meet. 10 months in the making! We all went to the station, hung around, and then Alex took Amy and I to El Rodeo for some Mexican! Amy's Assessment: Pass! Well, I mean, Alex passed her approval. Now, he just has to meet Kayla and he's pretty much set for the friend area. That sounds like I only have two friends, but it's just those two that I really hang out with outside of school. But YAY for Alex meeting Amy!

Amy and I were supposed to lay out today, but it was cloudy :( However, it is important to be thankful for what I have. After seeing the destruction of the tornadoes in Tuscaloosa, Smithville, and East Webster, I am terribly reminded of last year's catastrophe in Yazoo City and Chester, MS. I am also thankful for my 4 A's! I am wating on TWO more grades to be posted so I know the verdict of the semester. I am slightly terrified, as one of my teachers has only given us one of twelve grades all semester. She's a terrible grader and if I could redo her evaluation, I would give her negative feedback, indeed! It's ridiculous for her not to grade our papers until last minute. She did not even come to class for about five weeks. It was just one thing after another. So far, she has a project to grade, a final paper to grade, a portfolio to grade, and something else that I'm not even sure of. Dr. T, if you read this, please get your butt in a hurry to grade those! That's the only class I'm really worried about, because of a mishap with a missed test...and all those missing grades. This class could possible result in a C (even though I worked very hard). In the instance that it DOES turn out to be that low, I will hauling tail to Memphis to argue with her! This is a class that I absolutely CANNOT make lower than a C in. I am ready for her to post! AH!

So here I am, cuddled up with Millie, wishing Alex were here. But, sadly, he is not here. Last day of work for two months is on Wednesday, then four days of freedom before super summer session starts. Pray for me!


If one more of my friends pops up pregnant, I am going to personally start handing out safe sex pamphlets. Just saying.