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Sunday, May 22, 2011

As the semester comes to a close...wait, what?

Maymester is truly a semester...squished into two weeks. Two very long long weeks! Four hours of library time in the morning, six hours of class in the afternoon, and two hours of library time at night. My life 8-8 every day. But tomorrow I have exams and then I'm done with school until June 1...it's not a very long vacation, but I'm going to enjoy it.

On the downside, my great grandmother, Vassie Lucille Ramage Jenkins to be properly said, is about to pass away. She's 88 years old, born 1922. She worked at a fabric factory and lived through WW2, Vietnam, Korean War, and everything else that's happened since then. Sad thing is, she has Alzheimer's and can't remember much. She's amazing though. She used to always sing. It wouldn't surprise me if she knew every hymn ever written. She eloped with my great grandfather and didn't tell her parents for two weeks. She stood up for her family and was a strong woman. I'm going to miss her once she is gone, but I won't ever forget her. I've been practicing Amazing Grace on the guitar like crazy for her funeral. I guess that's my way of saying an official goodbye.

It's kind of heartbreaking but relieving at the same time. Death is never easy, but it's not a tragedy. Life is short, but Heaven is forever. And I can't be sad that my great grandmother is going to paradise after working so hard here on earth.

Chelsea Leann