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Sunday, May 29, 2011

Funerals bring out the best and worst of us.

Shortly after my last post, probably a few minutes after it actually, I received the call from my mother informing me that my great grandmother passed away. I shed a few tears, but she wouldn't want me to cry. Studying for exams and finishing up assignments wasn't the easiest thing in the world. However, I woke up Monday morning with a hopeful mind that the day would be sunny. It would only be proper to have a sunny day after Memaw Lucy was in Heaven-God had waited 88 years for his devoted servant to return to him. However, I received an email an hour after I woke up that placed a heavy cloud over my mood. After waiting for weeks to find out when   my financial aid would be available, someone finally decided to inform me that I was not eligible for summer aid. That would have been something to let me know before I began Maymester. Luckily, my dad said to just forget about it. Now, he's stuck with my bills for the summer, and I am slightly ashamed about it. I've prided myself throughout my college years to support myself and live off of my aid and my paycheck. I may have had to borrow here and there from my dad, but it was never this much. And then the exams began. And then we had to find another funeral dress because the one we chose previously had short sleeves. And then I had to get gas and pack and get Millie settled. It was a miserable Monday. But laying in my bed that night, I was glad to be in Weir and in the bed I've slept in for years.

Tuesday night was the visitation. Ironic that my best friend's dad owns the place, but it made it oddly comforting. Mr. Terry was all smiles and hugs. I thought I was going to follow my Memaw Lucy to Heaven when he introduced me as his future daughter in law to one of his employees. The man looked at my hand for an engagement ring and only found a very red-faced girl. I'm really going to have to talk to Trey about his dad. People will see me with Alex and think me a two-timing, cheating person when that is certainly not the case. Anyway, Alex came to the funeral home and met my family. I would say that he didn't have to come...but in all honesty, he kind of did. In a moral sense at least.  He met my mother's side of the family (definitely not how I envisioned it), and he is finally in the clear to attend Kayla's wedding this December. I just hope my family doesn't always associate him with "that guy that Chelsea brought the Memaw Lucy's visitation". How perfectly awful that would be! However, I was so thankful to have him there, holding my hand. It was a comfort. I was in such a stressed and ill mood, but he still stood by me. I love him so much! Just as we were about to leave, Trey also came to see the family. Afterwards, me, Trey, my mom, and my dad all went to Sonic for a late supper. We were kind of starving. It was great to sit back and laugh though. Trey is truly a fantastic friend. He managed to put everyone at ease and make my momma smile. I have such a wonderful life. A family that supports each other, a boyfriend that loves me, and a best friend that I can always count on to be there.

Wednesday was the funeral. It was harder than I expected. I made it through Amazing Grace, but when my sat next to my brother and saw him cry...I cried, too. I'm okay at events, funerals, weddings, etc...as long as someone I love doesn't cry. I tried to see Alex after the funeral, but that didn't go quite as planned. In fact, the stress of school and my sadness of my great grandmother's death made me feel quite hopeless. When things didn't go as I wanted and needed them to with Alex, all hell broke lose.

Thursday and Friday were better. Saturday, Alex met the Collins clan. I do believe they liked him. Hopefully, he'll be around my family more, and they can see him as I do. A sweet, loving, calm, very put-together person....the perfect balance to their loving, crazy, quirky, all-over-the-place Chelsea.

It's now Sunday-a week since my great grandmother passed. This past week has been a roller coaster. Hopefully this one will be smooth sailing, but I'm not promising anything.

Although I know neither one of them will read this, shout out to two of the most important guys in my life. Alex, you're an amazing boyfriend that has changed my life and healed my heart. Trey, you're the best friend I could ever have and I appreciate you more than words can say.

I love and miss you Memaw Lucy. Keep them rocking in Heaven and say hey to Grandaddy. You've taught me more than anyone that love is

Chelsea Leann.