? ??????????????Splatter Pattern? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.5 (24 Ratings)??8703 Grabs Today. 31818 Total Grab
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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Spring Break...Not!

So, over the past few weeks, I have paid my ridiculous cell phone bill and settled on their 100% unlimited plan so I won't EVER get charged extra again, found a baby kitten to adopt, found a new roommate for the Fall semester, and turned in my educational internship application. It's been a LONG couple of weeks! Now it's Spring Break, and I'm sitting at work instead of in Natchez at the St. Patty's parade or on the beach drinking ice-cold lemonade with a little umbrella guarding me from the sun.

Speaking of sun---my skin is in desperate need of some Ultra-Violet multiplicating power in the melanin! So, today starts my tanning place search, and I believe I have found a place! Rain or Shine in downtown. They have a Level 2 Premium bed Unlimited package for 42.50 a month. I think that if I go everyday for a month, I'll be back to my normal tan, don't you? I hope so. I've been avoiding wearing my favorite dresses because of my paleness. Ask my mother-I am not a pretty pale person. In fact, this is the whitest I've ever been. NOT COOL.

This weekend is Alex's 24th birthday! I'm so ready to see him on Sunday :( Spring Break has sucked even more because I haven't gotten to see him. Gas prices are so high that we can't afford the trip. So I'm going home Friday, and I will see him on Sunday. But...I might see him Saturday, too, if I don't go to a pageant. I guess we'll just have to wait and see. Anywho, there's only one month of school left. Everyone is celebrating, but I'm freaking out, because there is SO much to do and so little time!

Until next time,