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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Engaged! wellllll, Kayla is.

Kayla and Patrick finally got engaged, and I am MOH. That means my life is now spent in a wedding frenzy every night googling wedding info. We're currently on the search for an inexpensive wedding photographer. If anyone knows of anyone else in the Starkville area, please let me know!

It's finally April, which means it is the last month of school. I have never been so READY for school to be out.

Alex and I went on another adventure! We went to the NAS in Meridian to watch an airshow...except the clouds were too low, so we didn't get to really see anyone fly. But we did get to see them taxi and blow up some gas bags!

We've been dating for 9 months. I love him more every day, and it amazes me how lucky I am to have him.

Anyway, I'll update later. There's projects to be done and homework to be finished!

Love always,
Chelsea Leann Collins