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Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I wonder if it's been six weeks since I pierced my ears...probably not. Time feels like it's passing when you're waiting for something good. Time is a funny thing, and at the moment, I want to sleep without my earrings in. I should probably go buy some new ones. Momma is getting agitated with me "borrowing" hers. Oh well. Today was a very regular day. Got up, got to school super early, presented a project, went to work, went to the doctor, went back to work, went to class, came home, wrote a lesson plan, and am currently waiting for that handsome guy of mine to make my phone ring. I think he's teaching me patience, or something like that. Lord forbid that I try to teach him patience. Alex can't sit through commercials without getting ill, much less waiting for his favoritest girl to text him back. (Note: I'm writing this just to agitate him. It's a fun new game.) I know what I'm going to get him for Christmas! And he is going to love it.

Now, I know what you are thinking. Four months until Christmas, Chelsea. Four months. You still gotta get through Halloween and Thanksgiving. But ladies and gentlemen, although it is sometimes difficult to break the m old of my fears, I am quite confident that Alex will not only be there for this Christmas, but for many to come. And I just really want to buy him this present because it'll make him happy. I even have inside help! EEP!

That makes me think of giving. Soooo many people think that if they give a good gift, they should get a good gift. That's the whole reason of gift giving...gift recieving. Now, I think that's wrong. I think you should give someone something because you want to make them happy. Price or what you're getting in return shouldn't matter....oh, I really can't wait until Christmas so I can buy him this and see his face. Can you imagine how frantic I'm going to be, how absolutely nervous. Even the most cocky of people get nervous.

 Trey is on his way home as we speak. He should have about two and half hours left on his trip home. I don't believe he will be going back to the rig thing. Even though I really am glad my best friend will be around more, I wish he would have been able to stick to the job. But who really wants to be away from home two weeks at a time doing miserable work? I just want him to be happy and successful. Crazy boy. He always asks how Alex is treating me. I think its funny, because I'm always talking about how much I care about Alex and how I hope I get it right this time. And Trey just laughs at me and says "He better." It's like all the men in my life are hell-bent on keeping me safe, whether physically or emotionally. I want to get Trey a girlfriend, but he's such a kid sometimes, I don't know if I want to put one of my friends through the unsureness of that bestie of mine. The guy knows all my secrets, hopes, and fears, but I don't know if I trust him with my friends. He's a little too easy going with the ladies. "I don't have girlfriends, I have friends." That's Trey for you. I'll have to post a picture of me and him soon. Goober.

Hopefully, Alex and I will take another picture soon. I'm a picture fanatic, as y'all know, and he should have known what he was getting into. All anyone has to do is look at my facebook or myspace and it should be obvious: This girl likes pictures. Alex isn't a bad sport about it though. Or if he is, I just think it's cause it's morning time, supper time, or just grumpy time. He's cute when he's mad though. In a very annoying, teeth grinding way. If that's possible. He's mine though, ladies. So hands-off.

I guess I'm going to go to bed and wait for Mister Deason to call me. A girlfriend's life for me :)

Love always,
Chelsea Leann

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Weekend of Restation and HBO Freebies

Dear readers…or should I say reader?

My weekend was splendid, if I do say so myself. Boyfriend time, family time, and friend time. I haven’t had a weekend like this in awhile. It was a completely unplanned, relaxed few days…mixed in with some NyQuil and DayQuil. I don’t have a cold, but the medicine the doctor gave me isn’t doing anything but muffling the cough and now I have the sniffles. Which sucks, because now instead of sounding like a dog when I cough, I also sound like a pig when my nose gets too stuffy. Lucky me, and lucky Alex for getting to be seen with me, his personal little farm animal. Let’s start with Friday, shall we?
Friday, (which I have already updated, so this is just more of a continuation) started out as a rough, sad sad day. But, I got off work early, took some DayQuil, drank a NOS, washed and vacuumed my car, and headed to the Kosciusko vs. Philadelphia football game. I got to see Meagan and Cassidy, and of course all the wonderful firemen of Kosciusko. Did I mention that I also got to see that super cute (and newly shaven) boyfriend of mine? He was the main reason I was there, after all. The game was an epic fail if you were a Whippet fan. It was an exciting rendezvous for a new Philly Tornado fan. Kosciusko made some major mistakes, missing extra points, going for it on the 4th down, when they were under 20 yards on the Philly side. It was mistake after mistake. So much for an easy Homecoming win, right? Afterwards, I got some quality time with Alex before going home.
Saturday, dawned bright and early at 10 AM. It was dedicated to HBO movies of Bride Wars, the Time Travelers Wife, and other random tidbits of Jersey Shore. I got really bored and called up Amy. We ended up going to our favorite Mexican place in Starkville, La Terrezza, and then to see Easy A. I’ve missed my Amy! It was great to have a night with her.
Sunday, I spent just chilling on the couch (again) watching the typical wedding shows and more Jersey Shore and HBO movies. Then, Alex came over! Me and Brock were chilling on the back porch, reminiscing, and Alex got to hear some background family funk. My grandmother is obsessed with babies, etc. After that, I got to just lay back with Alex for a few hours.
Now, it’s almost bed time and I’m watching Bride Wars again, dreaming away. Gotta love it.

Do you ever look back and replay a bad memory over and over in your head, trying to learn from it, and finding that you just don’t know where you went wrong? So you’re lost as to how to prevent the bad memory from becoming a new reality. Yeah, well, it sucks. But everyone is different so the same thing can’t happen the same way, so maybe I’m safe. Hope so. *fingers crossed*

Love always,
Chelsea Collins

Friday, September 17, 2010

Friday is FINALLY here!

Well, I've been waiting on Friday all week, along with everyone else I know. School's been crazy, although I did finally get some praise from my Early Literacy teacher. And when I say finally, I mean it was one hard thing to do. I've never seen a teacher that seemed to dislike me so much. Tonight, I will going to the Kosciusko vs. Philadelphia game with the boyfriend and meeting up with Meagan and Cassidy. I am quite excited, even though it's been a long day and I'm sick. I took some Dayquil, grabbed a NOS, and am ready to hit the road. In my class, I'm always making little projects. Here are some cat puppets that I made-Calico and Clefty. Alex has layed claim to Calico. haha

Here are some other pictures from the Memphis game and some randoms!

Me and Tim Fizack :) We used to work together at Piggly Wiggly

Me and Olivia-Master Sanders' daughter @ the ACMA Competition

WHITE OUT GAME...with a touch of pink <3

Me and my cousin/sorority sista Tiffini Marie! Rocking the side pony tail.

That's all for now. I gotta get back to work. Can't wait to update again with hopefully a picture in his Philly Tornado pride!

-Chelsea Leann-

Friday, September 10, 2010

MSU/Auburn Game=One Confusing Week

Monday was Labour Day.

Wednesday, I met my kindergarden class at Ackerman Elementary. They're cute.
I also road my motorcycle to Starkville for class.
AND I chipped my tooth.

Thursday, I had a test. Then, a dentist appointment. Then, an hour to "observe" at Sudduth Elementary. And then, there was football.

Alex and his dad picked me up, and I brought my oversized, very pink cowbell to annoy them both. It worked. Chelsea: 1, Deasons: 0. It was a great game from my view, as I had my boyfriend beside me, and was in a great seat. A cute little girl was on my other side, and the Bulldogs weren't getting buried with their bones. We didn't win---no, we couldn't be that lucky--but we did hang on until the bitter end. #14 hung onto the ball a little too much, but that's a negative fact of the game. Sometimes, football gets sloppy and confusing. I guess that's expected since everyone running in different directions, you never know where the ball is going to go, and people are trying to hit you. It's entertaining from the stands, atleast. We stayed until the end of the game (MSU 14, Auburn 17) and didn't get home until 12. I was able to fall asleep until around 1. It doesn't seem to bad if it would have only been on a weekend. No, no. I had to be up early this morning to get to work by 8. Dern responsibilities.

Isn't he the most handsome guy? So sweet!

Friday: I'm about to fall asleep over the computer. I need to get to work. I have a girls night that starts in four hours, and I'm trying to pep myself up for it. I've missed my girls so much--Jessica and Samantha were in Tae Kwon Do with me. Butttt, I'm really tired. If I stay awake throughout the whole movie, it'll be a miracle.

The days to come: Saturday, I will be in Kosciusko at Attala Martial Arts's competition. I'm pretty pumped to see the kids. They've moved up the ranks very quickly! Iva Ruth has done a fantastic job. One day I will get back in it. After that, I'm kidnapping Alex and we're going to...well, I don't know what we will do, I just know I'll be in my favorite place. Sunday will be dedicated to projects due the next week. More on that.

Has anyone read The Very Hungry Caterpillar? Alex doesn't know what I'm talking about. Weirdo <3