? ??????????????Splatter Pattern? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.5 (24 Ratings)??8703 Grabs Today. 31818 Total Grab
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Saturday, July 17, 2010


Updates, Updates, Updates.

Jackie quit on me. So no more two week vacations to spend sleeping late, traveling to random places, and being totally lazy.

I hate Geometry. The teacher is crazy, and I have no idea what she wants. I only have a final left, and, pray for me-I need to pass to pass the class.

It's HOT outside. Welcome to Mississippi? I wish I were on a beach, getting a tan, and kicking up the water like a little kid. No more sea shell collecting though. I have about 100 from my early expedition.

Vacation was great, but I was ready to be home. But now that I'm home, I'd dearly love to be away. Maybe I'll make a trip to Destin or Orange Beach again soon. Rebekah wants me to come to South Carolina, but the parents aren't that big on me driving that far. I can't really blame them, as I can't drive in Jackson.

I finally brought Lil' Boy Blue home and road him on the highway. VICTORY! Only to find out my front break pads were worn. Fail. But, I'm still cool because I can ride a motorcycle.

I've been hanging around Kosciusko a lot lately. There's this awesome guy that lives there that makes me laugh and smile, and have hope. I think, my dear nonexistent readers, that the days and nights of Chelsea Leann are looking up indeed.

Until next time, whenever that may be....
Chelsea Leann