? ??????????????Splatter Pattern? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.5 (24 Ratings)??8703 Grabs Today. 31818 Total Grab
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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

see-saw or a boomerang: still just a toy

Well, hey there readers who are reading this post for no particular reason. Why are you reading this by the way? Well...read on, oh bright futures of tomorrow.

We need a bright today, so hurry yourselves up.

I apologize for the randomness of the above statement. I've been studying for compos. In the last twenty four hours, I have a read a book (Reagan: The Hollywood Years), whichA was quite good and very insightful (who knew Reagan had that much sex with that many people?!), created 42 note cards on theorists, theories, blahisms, and Americans with Disabilities' Act's programs (504 and IDEA to be precise), created a webquest on the topic of "What if the United States was Spanish?" (don't ask), driven about four hours, and and and and and.....

This really isn't the time to lose my mind, America. I need to be focused. I need to be studying. Comprehensive exams are in twelve hours and fourteen minutes. WHY ARE YOU WRITING A BLOG, LEANN, WHEN YOU'VE GOT TO STUDY?

Yep. That's what he would say. I assume y'all know who he is. He is the he that has been most prevalent in my blog posts. Anyway.

Thad Cochran won the Republican Primary Run-Off election last night by a super close vote. I'm talking 49.4-50.6 or somewhere around that magical number. These kind of elections worry me because it means that he didn't WIN. Half the voters didn't want the incumbent to return. Rumor has it that several democrats came out and voted for this Republican Primary. Now, how in the world does that make sense? Democrats elected a Republican in a Republican Primary Race that had nothing to do with them, due to the fact that they're going to vote for the democrat (supposedly, if he's a good man) in November?

I might just vote for the other guy, whoever he may be, if he doesn't sling dirt. Honestly, the Mississippi River is flooding from all the dirt that's been thrown around between McDaniel and Cochran. Well, supposedly it's from the rain, but I'm going to blame them. Have y'all seen those commercials? How could you not? All that they could be fixing in the government, state, and country, and they're too busy wasting money creating commercials bashing one another. It's wasteful spending.

Oh wait...they're politicians, and this is the government. Wasteful spending it is! Y'all need to go listen to "The Speech" by Reagan, replace communism with terrorism, and boom. You have our world right now. Big. Government. Never. Works. I feel as an American, I can make my own decisions. My own decisions about healthcare, education, and guns. Nobody trusts the government; we are overtaxed, our leader doesn't seem that competent anymore (but who would after six years of failing and lying to the American people), and people are grumbling more than supporting. I keep looking for a  printing press release about a rebellion, but maybe the South is just a wee bit sensitive about the rebellion rebellion part of the rebellion. Plus, it's summer time. No one wants to do anything in the summer but vacation.

I've been thinking of getting my doctorate. I just don't know. I'm not married, and I do not have kids. Single life means free time, and I might as well spend money on my education.

A fool I am. A fool indeed.
