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Thursday, June 19, 2014

I'm So Fancy

I must first comment on the title of my post. "I'm So Fancy" is in honor/horror/enjoyment of the song by Iggy. That's right I-G-G-Y, as she spells it out in the song. I do not know why I have such an obsession with this song, only that it makes me happy and makes me want to do a hair-flip, made famous by THE Meagan Jones, and dance...with no one watching, because of course I can't dance. Now, onto the update.

The last time I updated was at the end of January. Do y'all know how much can change in five months? Let's see....

I interviewed for multiple teaching positions around the state.
I got a new tattoo.
I resigned from my job at CCJH as teacher and cheer sponsor.
I accepted as position at Bay St. Louis-Waveland's Alternative School.
I sold my house.
I traded in my SUV on a car.
I moved into the cutest one bedroom apartment in Long Beach.
I added the "Tinder" app to my phone.
I considered deleting the "Tinder" app.
My hair grew....a little.
I got a lot tanner from living two football fields away from a beach.
I went on a couple of dates.
I learned what regret was.
I downloaded Vine.
I wrote a song!!!
I met new friends that are probably the craziest, most real people out there.
I tried guacamole and pepper jelly/cream cheese (though not those two together).

These things didn't necessarily happen in that order. But they were all pretty exciting. So, now to discuss.

I started getting interviews for teaching positions on the coast in April. Two schools just didn't feel right, one school wanted me but didn't have any openings, and one school was a good fit and new opportunity. Hello, Bay St. Louis! I will be teaching at the alternative school, 5th-12th grade language arts and social studies! I am very excited, although very nervous.

In March, I got another tattoo on my right wrist of an arrow. You see, I'm an arrow fanatic, being a Pi Phi Angel and all, but I saw a quote. It said, "Arrows use what holds them back to propel themselves forward, never looking back." So, I decided that I wanted an arrow tattoo to remind myself to stop looking back and letting everyone else hold me back. I'll have to post a picture later.

Since I'm wrapping up my master's in August, I had to take a history course in Meridian every Tuesday. So, in order to save money on gas and get a lower payment to afford the hike in cost of living, I traded the RAV4 in for a Camry. The Camry is still a Toyota, but I do miss my RAV4 on occasion. However, I do feel like a race car driver in that car! Sports Edition! What What.

My little, one bedroom apartment is perfect. Millie loves it. I had to leave Paisley behind at my parents' house due to her uncanny ability to relieve herself on any and all carpet. I miss her terribly, but I get to visit her whenever I want. Oscar now has a girlfriend that drives him crazy. Being so close to the beach and a pool has not move the shade of my skin a few shades towards "golden goddess". I love summer. I met the craziest group of people down here, and they're very musical. I was just going to the gym and got sidetracked by them one night at the pool. They were just sitting in front of the outdoor fireplace, playing guitars and a box drum. I don't think I've been this happy in a place since then. It's nice not having to look over my shoulder wondering who's watching me and reporting back to everyone else.

Now onto the dating thing. In a few days, I will have been single for a year. There are still sad days, although they have greatly minimized since last year. I have accepted that it's in the past and that it's okay to move on. I went on a few dates with different guys, all very different from one another. I just haven't quite found the right fit for me yet. I will have to rant on this in a moment. However, it is time to talk about the app: TINDER.

Tinder is a very popular dating app that is based off of social media sites. It has gained popularity mainly for being a hook up app. I did not know this when I downloaded the app. In fact, Lara Bowman talked me into downloading the app because we wanted to see who around us was on the app. The gist of this app is this: You are presented with a picture, a first name, and an age within your chosen area and age range. If you like what you see, you swipe right. If you're not interested, you swipe left. Now, if you swipe right on someone who swipes right on you, also, it's a "match". Matched Tinder-users can then chat with one another and go on dates. Of course, some people simple match and say, "Hey, you wanna hook up." So far, my replies have been, "Hey, you wanna watch my floss my teeth?" and "While I am sure the event would be very pleasurable and memorable, I am not currently available for such activities and have to decline at this time. I am a respectable female who does not wish to become impregnated or infected by a well-known person, much less a stranger. Thank you for the offer; good luck with your endeavors." I've actually had some pretty awesome replies to that. One guy asked if I could write a paper for him for money. It was tempting, but I was afraid he was just trying to get me to see him, so I declined.  I have met two people off of Tinder, and they have been pretty normal, if not a little odd. Dating is a lost art, my friends. These guys want the physical, and they want it right now. And here I am, wanting the date, without the physical, or even the promise of the future of physical, and I'm not sure that's going to happen.

So here's my rant about dating and being 23 and not being married and blah, blah, blah.

Why is it that that's the first thing people ask you when they see you? "Oh, are you married yet?" Do you see a ring on my finger? Have you not seen my facebook lately? Is this the ultimate goal for someone of such a tender age of 23? Is that my life goal? (I mean, of course it used to be, but things change in heartbreak). Why not "Have you graduated from college yet?" or "Are you working anywhere"? No, as a woman, I am asked "Are you married yet" and "Do you have any children". Then, when in denial, do you want to know what these sweet, kind folks do?

They bring up the worst topic ever.

"Oh dear. I just knew you and that Alex boy were going to get married. Y'all looked so happy. Y'all dated for a while didn't you?". While the internal screaming and throwing of platters (yes platters) goes on in my mind, I have to just sweetly say, "Yes. Yes, we did. However, sometimes things just don't work out."

It's like they've forgotten how much it sucks to be reminded of a failed relationship. *hand to forehead* I almost lost it one day when a woman said, "Well, maybe he'll give you another shot one day."

You've got to be kidding me.

So, people don't want to know that by the age of 23, I had a car, a house, a job, health, life, eye, dental, cancer, and disability insurance, a cat, a dog, was working on master's degree (with a 4.0 I might add), and was also working a second job as a temp at the local bbq place. Nope. Since I have breasts and a place to carry a baby, the only question is "Are you married yet?". My parents need to reset me, because somewhere along the line, my goals got squelched and turned. And people just reply, "Well, that's good, but are you married yet?" Where are you, o future husband of mine, who wilst feed me and supporteth me with thine own maleness and insurmountable success?

So, now I'm dating, trying to find Mr. Right all over again, however with much skepticism and a flair of "I don't really care" and a streak of independence....anyone want to come reset me to the skipping on sunflowers and daisies, painting rainbows, and chasing butterflies Chelsea Leann Collins I was four years ago? But, y'all...she was so silly and naive.

Okay, rant over.


Love my Travis!


On the political front, there are rarely any great choices. Just that of the lesser evil. Or maybe that's life. Sigh.

Over and out, readers o' mine.


P.s. I have strep throat. It hurts.