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Sunday, June 26, 2011

Summer Block

I can't believe that I only have a week...no, four days...left of Summer Block. I have grown so close to my classmates, and, even though I am ready for a slower pace of life, I am going to miss them very much. You can't spend almost every day for two months with someone and not miss them when they're gone. I'm also going to miss my students, PASS helpers, and supervising teachers. Schools make you a family. I hope that when I begin student teaching, I will become as close to them as I have to the Starkville teachers.This week is the end though.

This weekend was spent relaxing! I did a little school work, went to lunch and movies with Kayla and Patrick, and hung out with my sweetheart. I can't believe that in a week, we'll be together for a year. Guess I'll update again then. Just felt like my page was getting lonely.


Sunday, June 12, 2011

Overnight Gleek

I'm the epitome of a lazy college kid today. In fact, if you saw me, you probably wouldn't know that I have so much due in the next three days that I'm terrified to open my planner today. Luckily, Alex gave me the perfect relaxer-Netflix from his Xbox360. So, since 10:30 last night, I've been watching Glee Season 1. I fell asleep at 7  this morning and work up at 9:30...only to continue watching it. I'm addicted. I am a Gleek. Alex is going to get on Netflix and see Glee on his recently watched...not to mention a lot of romance oldies...and roll his eyes. After all, you learn so much about a person by checking out their movies and favorite TV shows.

As for summer school, it's going so well. I'm enjoying being at the school with the kids more than taking the classes after, but you can't pick and choose in Senior Methods Block. I got my letter for my field placement. I'll be in French Camp 7th and 8th grade English. I'm so excited. I'm so excited. I'm SO excited. I'm moving back home so that I'll be closer to the school and cheaper on my parents. Even though I'll be cheering against my home school, the Weir Lions, and for the Panthers, and change my color allegiance from Red and Black to Blue and White. But in less than two months, I'll be living in a camper with Millie. And it's going to be awesome.

Alex and I are doing great. It'll be a year on July 4. A year. Wow. It's going to feel so weird saying that I'm going to date someone for a year. I mean, we've been talking about forever since we started dating, but a year...it's so real. I think I like it. In fact, I'm so happy about it. He's wonderful for me. He truly is.

I love you, Alex!

Love, Chelsea Leann