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Sunday, April 24, 2011

Finals, anyone?

Finals. That word should bring joy to my heart. The finality of Junior Year. Needless to say, I'm excited about that part. I am not, however, excited about the paper I'm about to begin writing. That's been my life for the past few weeks. Paper Paper and Paper. BUT, I have a new distraction. Her name is Millie. Here are some pictures!

I adopted her from the Grenada Shelter. Meagan wasn't pleased at first and Alex was against it....all until they met my sweet Millie. She's made me laugh so much in the past couple of weeks. It's amazing how great an animal can make you feel. Even a teeny, tiny, five week old kitten that's a mut. She looks Siamese, but she's really a white and tabby mix. I almost called her Coon because of her tail, but mother dear said that would be inappropriate.

Alex and I are still together and doing great. He drives me crazy, but as long as I'm the only he drives crazy, it'll be okay.

Kayla and I, along with our mothers and her sisters, went wedding dress shopping. We were in love with every dress she tried on. I even got to try on a dress so that Kayla could compare two dresses side by side on someone's body. It was a little awkward and made me break out in slight hives, but I did it for her. I guess I just don't want to get married yet. I could be engaged. Engaged is okay. But married? Or close to a wedding? No way. It's not the fear of commitment. It's just...well, Alex and I just aren't ready for such a big step. I love him very much and know that I will spend the rest of my life with him. But we're so young. I don't have to get married young. I can have a career and do things I want. I can think of me. Now, of course, if he asked me, I would say yes without a doubt. But the wedding would probably be about two years away.

Anyway, Kayla looked gorgeous in all of her dresses, we found a bridesmaids dress that's super pretty on everyone, and mother and I did some shopping.

It was Easter today. Alex was unable to attend with me, but he's going to have to face the family one day. They're getting antsy about meeting him! You hear that baby? They're going to come find you soon if you don't come to them. Just a fair warning.

Anyway, it's time for me to settle down, close all extra web pages and focus on my year end reflection of Middle Level Education.

OH! I found out I will be student teaching at French Camp this Fall! This means that I have to move back to Weir, but I am so excited about it! I should be placed in 7th and 8th grade English. I keep telling myself to be excited about rushing through everything, all the while asking myself WHY am I graduating early. Oh, I am a crazy girl sometimes.

Love, always, pray for me,
Chelsea Collins

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Engaged! wellllll, Kayla is.

Kayla and Patrick finally got engaged, and I am MOH. That means my life is now spent in a wedding frenzy every night googling wedding info. We're currently on the search for an inexpensive wedding photographer. If anyone knows of anyone else in the Starkville area, please let me know!

It's finally April, which means it is the last month of school. I have never been so READY for school to be out.

Alex and I went on another adventure! We went to the NAS in Meridian to watch an airshow...except the clouds were too low, so we didn't get to really see anyone fly. But we did get to see them taxi and blow up some gas bags!

We've been dating for 9 months. I love him more every day, and it amazes me how lucky I am to have him.

Anyway, I'll update later. There's projects to be done and homework to be finished!

Love always,
Chelsea Leann Collins