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Monday, March 29, 2010


So, I have been so busy I haven't even attempted to update. I think I will just pick up with my weekend.

Friday, I got off work early and headed to Evin's. I'm trying to master cooking homemade biscuts, but I just can't make 'em like his momma. He will just have to sit down, shut up, and eat what I put in front of him. Ha, that sounded tough! We enjoyed breakfast for supper and then started to watch Couples Retreat, but I fell asleep.

Saturday, I went to a Tae Kwon Do competition in Starkville at the Sportsplex. I was so excited, because my momma came to watch me. My students all did very well, and I got to show Jahmil off to all of my friends. Jahmil is this tiny 4 year old boy in my class whom I absolutely adore. Some people disapprove of my affection because he is black. But I don't see children in black and white. And this kid is adorable! Jahmil got 1st place in sparring- I was so proud! Pictures to come! I finally got to compete at 3:30. In my kata, which is just a series of movements in a particular pattern, I placed 1st in Womens Advanced Over 18. Yul-Gok is such a beautiful pattern; I will probably use it for the rest of the season. I received 2nd in sparring. I hate to fight and was so exhausted; I didn't really care. Finally, I got to head back to Evins, only to climb in his truck and head to Pickens. I was glad to see those people! They are funniest folks ever and never fail to make me laugh. I've come a long way from December with them. I hope Evin fixes his fourwheeler soon so we can go riding again. If only he would stop taking it through impossible mud holes! He took me to this place called Ricks where we just chilled and ate, then it was back to Kosy. He sure keeps me on my toes. I was so exhausted, I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

Sunday was a glorious day! I got to see Mr. And Mrs. Armstrong, Marsha(Evin's sister), and her two children, Swayze and Pearce. Swayze and I played for a couple of hours and I immensely enjoyed it. She is so smart! My favorite part was when she explained night time to me. "You know, when the sun goes down and the moon comes up? Night time. It got dark." She is such a little teacher and its so hard not to smile when she's being so serious. And Pearce is growing every time I see him. He was making those adorable baby noises and smiling. I don't know much about babies, but he is so smart, too! He looks straight at you and listens. Evin's mother cooked lunch and as usual, it was wonderful. I always leave completely satisfied and a little concerned that I may never learn to cook like her. Good thing Evin will eat frozen pizza and breakfast! :)
I finally got home and spent some time with my parents. Then, as I had the previous two nights, I passed OUT. It had been an exhausting weekend.

Today, I went to work, class, etc. I got to eat lunch with Kayla and TJ. I'm doing better on the friends thing, and its really helping out with Evin and me. He really makes me happy, and I find something new to love every day. He is stubborn, hard headed, and annoyingly quiet- but he is also thoughtful, comforting, and more than I thought I'd ever find. I'm quite smitten.

Wednesday, Momma and I are going to movies for a girls night. I'm pretty excited! I love my Mom- she is probably the best friend I have. She knows everything about me, every fear, every problem, and every dream. Its nice to have a mother like that. I hope I am that good of a mom to my children.

Anyway, I will pose pictures soon of my adventures with Evin and friends soon. Bunches of love!