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Wednesday, July 4, 2012


It is 11:52 on July 3, 2012. In 8 minutes, it will be my two year anniversary with Alex Deason. Oh my.

It still amazes me how much I love him and am loved by him. I really couldn't get rid of that boy if I wanted to, and I find that I depend on him more than I previously thought I did. I was trying to think over my favorite memory from the past year together, and I can't exactly pinpoint one. There was my birthday, the Haunted House, Christmas, Easter, and others. We've had our ups and our downs, but we've made it yet another year. I find myself thinking about what I love most about him. So, here's a list for my nonexistent readers...and maybe a reminder for when we have another "down" moment.

1. I love the way his beard rubs against my face when he hugs me.
2. I love the way his eyes crinkle when he smiles and laughs.
3. I love the way he ends our arguments with I love you and never want to lose you.
4. It's amazing how he listens to my go on and on about anything and everything...even though I'm not sure if he is really listening.
5. My favorite thing is how he talks about the future. It's nice to know I'm not the only one.
6. He makes me laugh when he tries to avoid a subject or get out of a situation. Maybe not at the moment, but it never fails to amuse me after.
7. He loves our kitten, Millie.
8. I love how I can trust him, completely.
9. I love how I can't picture my life without him.
10. Finally......how he's stayed around for two years as of right now.

Here's some pictures from the past year to remember :)



 I hope everyone has a wonderful July 4. As for me, I'm going to bed so that I'm well rested for my adventure with Alex tomorrow! I will update soon!

Chelsea Leann