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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Hello, Autumn!

I haven't updated since my two year anniversary mark. Oops! So, here's an update of everything that has happened since then.

1. I bought a house! It's a two bedroom, one bath house with hardwood floors, an open dining room and living room, and small kitchen. It's adorable and a perfect "starter" house. I moved in at the end of June and was finally able to sign papers two Fridays ago. I almost feel like an adult :) I am busy picking out colors for my house. The previous owners have it painted the typical "rental house" colors. You know, khaki, greenish brown, green. And normally, those colors would be fine. However, after living in rentals for the past fourish years, I want to color my house and make it mine. The color palette I'm going for is grey/yellow, and other soothing colors. Since my living room and dining room are open, but still separated by an arch, so I want to paint them contrasting colors. I have maroon/brown leather couches, so I chose grey with white trim. For my dining room and kitchen, I chose a light yellow. Here are some example of how the colors work together. These aren't my shade choices, but this should give y'all a good example.

For the bedrooms, I'm thinking of painting one a very neutral color. No one is staying in it, so I don't really have any preferences. For my bedroom, I like the color silver leaf by olympic paint. It's a soothing, sea-green shade. My bathroom is going to be a misty color, very close the mint color that has been so popular this summer. 

After I finish getting my house painted on the inside, we're going to do the outside! I've decided for the outside to be a soft, light yellow, with white trim. My front porch walking boards will be a soft grey. My door will pop with red.I'm so excited! Here's some examples:

Needless to say, I'm pretty excited about my house!

2. My school year is going great. I am still teaching 7th grade Language Arts to, once again, 78 wonderful students. They're very inspiring and hilarious. I am also in grad school (finally)! I'm only taking two classes, which I like most days. One is really stressing me out though, because the professor is not all that specific.

I'd love to update more, but I have to head to Philly to see that handsome boy, Alex.


Chelsea Collins

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


It is 11:52 on July 3, 2012. In 8 minutes, it will be my two year anniversary with Alex Deason. Oh my.

It still amazes me how much I love him and am loved by him. I really couldn't get rid of that boy if I wanted to, and I find that I depend on him more than I previously thought I did. I was trying to think over my favorite memory from the past year together, and I can't exactly pinpoint one. There was my birthday, the Haunted House, Christmas, Easter, and others. We've had our ups and our downs, but we've made it yet another year. I find myself thinking about what I love most about him. So, here's a list for my nonexistent readers...and maybe a reminder for when we have another "down" moment.

1. I love the way his beard rubs against my face when he hugs me.
2. I love the way his eyes crinkle when he smiles and laughs.
3. I love the way he ends our arguments with I love you and never want to lose you.
4. It's amazing how he listens to my go on and on about anything and everything...even though I'm not sure if he is really listening.
5. My favorite thing is how he talks about the future. It's nice to know I'm not the only one.
6. He makes me laugh when he tries to avoid a subject or get out of a situation. Maybe not at the moment, but it never fails to amuse me after.
7. He loves our kitten, Millie.
8. I love how I can trust him, completely.
9. I love how I can't picture my life without him.
10. Finally......how he's stayed around for two years as of right now.

Here's some pictures from the past year to remember :)



 I hope everyone has a wonderful July 4. As for me, I'm going to bed so that I'm well rested for my adventure with Alex tomorrow! I will update soon!

Chelsea Leann

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Bryan Gets Married!!!

This weekend has been crazy! Friday, Momma, Daddy, and I headed down to Mendenhall, MS for the rehearsal dinner. It was awesome, but I knew we had a night ahead of us for decorating! There was a lot of burlap, tool, lace, and ribbon. At the end of the night, it was beautiful! Here's a picture of me and Emily after the rehearsal dinner!

The morning of the wedding started at 6:44---and off we went to the reception area to set up! The venue was an old 1930s cabin-like house owned by Emily's parents. It had a new wrap around porch, but it was rustic, country, and chic. Emily's vision really came together, and I was very impressed. I got to use powertools and see baby birds (which had nothing to do with Emily's wedding vision), so it was a success. Here are some pictures of the reception area.
Centerpieces varied along the tables. One example is a classic novel, small vase, and picture frame containing a love quote.

Instead of picture frames everywhere, Emily use old doors to display photos. Twine was strung across the door, and pictures were attached with lace-inspired clothespins.

To add attention to the windows, but still maintain the simple, country theme, white daisies and carnations were placed in an older vase under lace curtains.

Another example of the centerpieces: One large vase containing white daisies and carnations, bordered by smaller vases with more flowers, all sitting on antique silver platters, along with a small ivory picture frame containing a love quote.

The third type of centerpiece contained antique milk-colored vases hold barely opened carnations, bordered by smaller vases with opened daisies.

This is another example of centerpiece two, except instead of the multiple smaller faces, cylinders of wood twined together sat on the antique silver platters.

The other rustic picture door

A close up of the ivory picture frames containing handwritten love quotes.

Finally, we were able to go get ready for the big day! Emily's photographer was there to catch some moments. The bridesmaids were dressed in pink button-up shirt with our initials embroidered in the shirt pocket. Emily was dressed in a white button-up shirt embroidered with her new initials in the shirt. Here's a picture by Studio9:

The wedding was beautiful! The colors of guava berry and khaki blended well with the burlap and lace. The couple exchanged hand-written vows, which brought tears to several ladies' (and maybe some men's) eyes.
My new sister in law!

The bridesmaids, flower girl, and bride

The Wedding

The night was not over though! The reception was amazing. We took cute pictures, ate delicious barbecue cooked by the bride's father, and laughed a lot. Everything came together and could not have been better.
The Groom's Cake was based off of his love for the Red Sox. It was red velvet cake with chocolate icing.

The Wedding Cake, adorned with a bow, pearls, and rhinestones

Of course, Alex was there! He actually videotaped everything. Oh and that's Joseph in the background.

I almost felt sorry for him. People kept saying, "Alex, you're next."

Kayla and I 

I flirted a lot with the videographer

The cutting of the cake! Emily made the topper herself!

He was such a good sport about taking pictures.

This was after he didn't catch the garter. I still love him though.

Jean Ann, Giffin, and I

The couple drove to and from the reception in a classic, red and white car.

The happy couple leaving the reception

All in all, it was a wonderful event, and I wish my brother and Emily a long and happy marriage!

Love always,
Chelsea Leann

P.S. Alex....wanna be next? ;)